
unusual facts about crude oil

Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion

In July 2013 a Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway train carrying 74 cars of Bakken formation crude oil derailed and exploded in Lac Mégantic, Quebec; wiping out the center of the town and killing 47.


Upon the ramp-up of the Nazi program of industrial autarchy that marked the approach of war, Berlin saw that one of its weakest points was the almost complete absence of crude oil production within German borders; this insight coincided with the emergence in both Hitler's Chancellery and the General Staff of a belief in a blitzkrieg war-fighting strategy that centered on Panzer warfare, buttressed by warplanes carrying out tactical air support.


The storage capacity of Dubendi Terminal is 150,000 m³ for clean products (gasoline, diesel, naptha, jet fuel etc.) and 150,000 m³ for black products (crude oil and fuel oil).

Erdöl-Erdgas-Museum Twist

The Erdöl-Erdgas-Museum Twist in Twist, Germany is a museum for crude oil and natural gas and shows technical equipment for mineral exploration of these natural energy resources and gives information about their geological origin.

Melissa Francis

She originally provided live hourly reports from the New York Mercantile Exchange on trading in crude oil futures contracts.

see also

1970s energy crisis

Oil prices generally increased throughout the decade; between 1978 and 1980 the price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil increased 250 percent.

2004 world oil market chronology

June 4: U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce William H. Lash announces that Libya has sent its first shipment of crude oil to the United States since the resumption of ties between the two countries in recent months.

Abubakar Umar Gada

Before entering politics he was a crude oil marketer for the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.

Adar oilfield

Because this blend of crude oil is heavy and highly acidic, it fetches lower prices than benchmark crudes such as Brent or Minas.

Bombing of Ludwigshafen and Oppau in World War II

Ludwigshafen also refined "30-50 tons/day of crude oil...brought in from Brücksel, near Karlsruhe...to products including lube oils." About 2.5 miles away from Ludwigshafen, an Oppau plant produced fertilizer and up to "800 T/day nitrogen as ammonia and a considerable part of this was exported as liquid ammonia to Hochst, Wolfen and Bittefeld." A separate Oppau plant produced up to 60 T/day of urea.


BOTAŞ, a crude oil and natural gas pipelines and trading company in Turkey

Cameron Island

The initial discovery, in 1974 by Panarctic Oils Ltd, reflected the urgency to find new sources of crude oil after the 1973 oil crisis.

Campos Basin oil spill

On November 7th 2011, a Chevron owned oil well began leaking causing 200 to 330 barrel of crude oil to enter the ocean every day.

Caño Limón–Coveñas pipeline

The Caño Limón – Coveñas pipeline is a crude oil pipeline in Colombia from the Caño Limón oilfield in the municipalities of Arauca and Arauquita in Arauca Department on the border of Venezuela to Coveñas on Colombia's Caribbean coastline.

Coastal Corporation

As Coastal's petroleum marketing and production assets were being sold off piece by piece to competitors Valero, Sunoco, and Conoco Phillips, Oscar Wyatt was being investigated for illegally doing business with Iraq's Saddam Hussein in violation of United Sanctions that strictly regulated Iraqi sales of crude oil.

Davis Wright Tremaine

The firm’s noteworthy representations have included serving as lead counsel for 30,000 plaintiffs in consolidated proceedings on behalf of fishermen, processors, Alaska natives, landowners, businesses, and others injured as a result of the spill of 11.8 million gallons of North Slope crude oil into the coastal waters of Alaska by the Exxon Valdez.

Energy policy of Kazakhstan

Pavlodar and Shymkent refineries process West Siberian crude oil, which is imported through the Omsk (Russia) - Pavlodar (Kasakhstan) - Shymkent - Türkmenabat (Turkmenistan) pipeline.

Energy use in California

{fact} In addition to oil from California, California’s refineries process crude oil from Alaska and foreign suppliers.

Fossil fuel

Heavy crude oil, which is much more viscous than conventional crude oil, and tar sands, where bitumen is found mixed with sand and clay, are becoming more important as sources of fossil fuel.

Fred Hofheinz

He also served as a board member at Lucas Energy, an independent crude oil and gas company.In 1971, Hofheinz co-founded the closed circuit television company Top Rank.

Galkynysh gas field

The crude oil extracted at Galkynysh is transported to the Seýdi Oil Refinery.

General Maritime Corporation

General Maritime Corporation (OTCBB: GMRRQ) operates crude oil tankers, mostly in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Black, and North Seas.

Gulf killifish

The Gulf killifish, (Fundulus grandis) is currently being used to test the effects of oil and oil dispersants, specifically Macondo 252 crude oil and Corexit 9500, on the physiology of marine species affected by these substances.

Lago Colony

This town was supported by a large oil refinery in the world, which at that time was owned by a subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey, known as Lago Oil and Transport Company Lago had its beginning in 1924 as a trans-shipping facility for crude oil extracted by the Lago Petroleum Corporation operating in Lake Maracaibo.

Light oil

Light crude oil, which is less viscous than intermediate and heavy crude oil.

Mobil Producing Nigeria

MPN is the second largest producer of crude oil in Nigeria after Shell.

Mumbai–Manmad Pipeline

The experience in laying the Mumbai-Manmad-Bijwasan pipeline is being utilised by Bharat Petroleum to lay a crude-oil pipeline from Vadinar on the West coast to Bina in Madhya Pradesh, where a new 6 MMTPA grassroot refinery is coming up.

National Oil Corporation

On 4 June 2004, US Assistant Secretary of Commerce William H. Lash announced that Libya sent its first shipment of crude oil to the US since resumption of ties between the two countries.

Paul Acquah

After leaving the Bank of Ghana, Paul Acquah joined a new team setup to oversee the restructuring and development of Tema Oil Refinery and Ghana's crude oil supply.

Purachatra Jayakara

He brought the engine of searching crude oil, firstly in Fang District, Chiang Mai Province where the people there found many amounts of crude oil.

Red Sleigh Down

The reindeer are dead, Santa's legs are broken, and he is soon caught and interrogated by his Iraqi captors who torture him by forcing him to drink crude oil and shocking his testicles in a scene referencing Three Kings and Lethal Weapon.

Research Institute of Petroleum Industry

In 2002, it developed a revolutionary new technology that converts heavy crude oil into the more desirable, a new generation of GTL technology.

Stationary or Bubbling Fluidized Bed

In 1938, Exxon Research joined a consortium of large oil and processing companies that came up with the concept of fluidized bed catalyst, which is then used for catalytic cracking of crude oil feed in gasoline production.

Western Canadian Select

In January 2013, the Premier of Alberta, Alison Redford, used the term bitumen bubble to explain the impact of a dramatic and unanticipated drop in the amount of taxes and revenue from the oil sands linked to the deep discount price of Western Canadian Select against WTI and Maya crude oil, would result in deep cuts in the 2013 provincial budget.

Windfall profits tax

At least nine bills that purported to tax windfall profits of crude oil producers were introduced in the 110th United States Congress during 2007-08 (HR 1500, HR 2372, HR 5800, HR 6000, S.1238, S.2761, S.2782, S.2991, S.3044) .