The Roman Emperor Tiberius was said to have made preparations almost yearly for a visit to the provinces and the armies stationed there, which he always cancelled at the last minute, with the result that "he was jokingly referred to as Callippides, who was known in the Greek proverb to run and make not a cubit of progress".
Archaeologist Leen Ritmeyer noticed that there are sections of the rock cut completely flat, which north-to-south have a width of 6 cubits, precisely the width that the Mishnah credits to the wall of the Holy of Holies, and hence Ritmeyer proposed that these flat sections constitute foundation trenches on top of which the walls of the original temple were laid.
In February 2005, the fledgling company set up shop in Rosebank, Johannesburg, at which point Ross Addis joined Impi Linux full-time (although on the Cubit Accounting payroll).