
unusual facts about current density

Retarded potential

where φ(r, t) is the electric potential and A(r, t) is the magnetic potential, for an arbitrary source of charge density ρ(r, t) and current density J(r, t), and \Box is the D'Alembert operator.

see also

Laplace's law

Biot–Savart law, in electromagnetics, it describes the magnetic field set up by a steady current density.

Long Josephson junction

where subscripts x and t denote partial derivatives with respect to x and t, \lambda J is the Josephson penetration depth, \omega p is the Josephson plasma frequency, \omega c is the so-called characteristic frequency and j/j c is the bias current density j normalized to the critical current density j c.

Magnetorotational instability

In addition to hydrodynamical forces such as pressure and gravity, an element of magnetized fluid also feels the Lorentz force \boldsymbol J\times\boldsymbol B\ , where \boldsymbol J is the current density and \boldsymbol B is the magnetic field vector.