
unusual facts about dacha

Alexandre Jacovleff

Jacovleff's large group portrait On Academic Dacha was exhibited at the Baltic Exhibition in Malmö in 1912, and received praise from the critics present, including Alexandre Benois.

Georgy Shakhnazarov

Shakhnazarov was staying at a sanatorium close to the presidential dacha at Foros in the Crimea that fateful August 1991, when he helped Gorbachev in his plans for a new Union Treaty to define relations between the republics.

Jan Kryjevski

In 1977, Kryjevski spent time working in a group of young artists at the dacha for creative talents "Senezh" near Moscow, where the artistic concept of Transrealism was first created and developed.

Kamenny Island

At the easternmost tip of the island stands the Kamennoostrovsky Palace, built by Georg von Veldten for Paul I and the Neo-Gothic church of Saint John of Jerusalem (1776–81) constructed in honor of the victory at Chesma and frequented by Alexander Pushkin during his stay at a dacha on Kamenny Ostrov.

see also