
unusual facts about dataset



TARO is a 2mm * 2mm * 2mm voxel dataset of the human male created by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.

Darwin Core Archive

Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) is a Biodiversity informatics data standard that makes use of the Darwin Core terms to produce a single, self-contained dataset for species occurrence or checklist data.


HadCRUT is the dataset of monthly instrumental temperature records formed by combining the sea surface temperature records compiled by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the land surface air temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia.

Influential observation

In statistics, influential observation is an observation for a statistical calculation whose deletion from the dataset would noticeably change the result of the calculation.

Rannveig Anna Guicharnaud

National sampling of Icelandic soils, soil profile descriptions, adaption of standard soil chemical analyses to suit Icelandic Andosols and data analyses for Ýmir, a national dataset for Icelandic soils.

Texas Natural Resources Information System

The SSURGO dataset was developed in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and is an updated digital version of the county soil surveys.

Virtual globe

Google Earth, satellite & aerial photos dataset (including commercial DigitalGlobe images) with international road dataset, the first popular virtual globe along with NASA World Wind.

see also