
3 unusual facts about dayyan

Aron Mendes Chumaceiro

#Jacob Mendes Chumaceiro: Dayyan and editor; born at Amsterdam March 11, 1833; died February 8, 1900.


He was involved in the strife for the succession of the aged king, leading to the rulership of Shamshi-Adad V.

Dayyan-Assur was commander-in-chief, or Tartan (turtānu), of the Assyrian army during the reign of Shalmaneser III (859 - 824 BC).


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Aaron of Canterbury

But a passage in the Close Roll of 1242 refers the decision in a divorce case to three "magistri," Mosse of London, Aaron of Canterbury, and Jacob of Oxford, and makes it probable that the Aaron mentioned in "Minhat Yehudah" was of the thirteenth century and acted as an ecclesiastical assessor, or dayyan, in London about 1242.

Solomon ben Judah

Shlomo Kluger or Solomon ben Judah Aaron Kluger (1783 – 1869), chief dayyan and preacher of Brody, Galicia

see also