Her playing has been described as “particularly distinguished” by De Volkskrant and “sincere and nuanced” by The Washington Post.
De Volkskrant reported Mary Jean Burer, a spokesperson for the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) as saying that the confusion can partly be blamed on several EU articles by the Transport Ministry in which numbers like 55 and 60 percent land area are mixed up.
Poldervokaal has received recognition from well-known Dutch publications, such as the national newspaper De Volkskrant, June 4, 2005: "The Domine Deus Agnus Dei drifted serenely out of the door over the meadows", and numerous local newspapers: "Poldervokaal sings wonderfully beautifully" (Noordhollands Dagblad, December 17, 2005), "Moved to tears by performance of Poldervokaal" (Het Witte Weekblad, edition 56, 2005).
Those newspapers include De Telegraaf, de Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, het Parool, Trouw, het Nederlands Dagblad, and weekly magazines such as HP/De Tijd, Elsevier, De Groene Amsterdammer.
EI co-founder MP Arjan El-Fassed, who also wrote for the website Al-Awda, told major Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the fuss created by NGO Monitor was related to one quote from an interview with the Jewish Holocaust survivor and anti-Zionist Hajo Meyer in June 2009.