
unusual facts about delegation

1948 Democratic National Convention

The thirteen members of the Alabama delegation were led out by Leven H. Ellis.

1964 Democratic National Convention

Eventually, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Reuther and the black civil rights leaders including Roy Wilkins and Bayard Rustin worked out a compromise: two of the 68 MFDP delegates chosen by Johnson would be made at-large delegates and the remainder would be non-voting guests of the convention; the regular Mississippi delegation was required to pledge to support the party ticket; and no future Democratic convention would accept a delegation chosen by a discriminatory poll.

2013 Kivu Offensive

At a meeting in Entebbe, Uganda, the Congolese government delegation left the talks after a failure to agree to a wording of a document intended to officially end the insurgency.

Ali Adnan

He was due to be the first person to represent Iraq in archery at the Olympic Games, having qualified for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, but the entire Iraqi delegation was banned from the Games by the International Olympic Committee due to Iraqi government interference in the Iraqi national Olympic Committee.

Baik Tae-ung

Baik was a legal advisor for the South Korean Delegation in the 56th United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and has worked for Human Rights Watch in New York as a legal adviser.

Baltasar Brum

In the autumn of 1917, American warships sailed to the Argentine capital Buenos Aires and a delegation issued threats to the country's President Hipólito Yrigoyen, in relation to the country's neutrality, which the United States insisted should be more clearly focused as being pro-American.

Bangladesh at the 2011 Commonwealth Youth Games

The Bangladeshi delegation consisted of four officials and four competitors: two men and two women, who took part in three different sports—athletics, boxing and swimming.

Charles Stourton, 26th Baron Mowbray

Another relative, William de Mowbray, was one of the barons who forced King John to put his seal to Magna Carta in 1215; as a direct descendant, Charles travelled to Washington, D.C. in 1976 with a parliamentary delegation that presented one of the four copies of the Magna Carta held by the British Museum to the U.S. Congress.

Delegation Theory

One of the most important areas where delegation theories have been applied has been in the debate over the merits of Independent Central Banks (ICBs) such as the Bank of England or the European Central Bank.

DR Congo at the 2012 Summer Olympics

On the day after the closing ceremonies, four members from the national delegation were reported missing in London: judoka Cédric Mandembo and his coach Ibula Masengo, boxing coach Blaise Bekwa, and athletics coach Guy Nkita.

Dwijen Mukhopadhyay

As a member of ‘Indian Cultural Delegation’, he toured Soviet Union and East European countries like Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia.

E. K. Jett

He served on the U.S. delegation to numerous international radio conferences, including the 1937 Inter-American Radio Conference in Havana, at which the North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement was negotiated.

Economy of Kazakhstan

In 2006, North Dakotan Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple led an 18-member delegation of the North Dakota Trade Office representing seven North Dakota companies and Dickinson State University on a trip to Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia.

Eric Forbes Adam

He was First Secretary in the British Delegation to the, Lausanne Conference of 1922–1923.


In November 2011 Ronchi was appointed by PdL secretary Angelino Alfano to the delegation for the European People's Party's congress in Marseille.

Federal Reserve Note

McCulloch v. Maryland explicitly states that Congressional delegation of these powers to chartered entities is valid under the Necessary and Proper Clause.

Harold Soref

On 30 September 1972, the Daily Telegraph remarked that "Mr. Harold Soref is nothing if not consistent", commenting that when an all-party delegation began a tour of Red China, he left defiantly for Taiwan.

Hendrik Brouwer

Early in 1632, he was part of a delegation sent to London to solve trade disagreements between the English and Dutch East India companies.

Industrial Union Department v. American Petroleum Institute

The non-delegation doctrine, which has been recognized by the Supreme Court since the era of Chief Justice Marshall, holds that Congress cannot delegate law-making authority to other branches of government.

Jan Rokita

When the negotiations for the future European constitution started in the end of 2003, he coined the slogan: "Nicea o muerte – Nicea albo śmierć" ((Treaty of) Nice or death), which was more or less the official position of the Polish delegation.

Jean Richardot

He was also put in charge of the delegation that met with the envoys of Queen Elizabeth I at Bourbourg in 1587, in a feigned attempt to end hostilities between England and Spain.

Jean-Paul Costa

From 1985 to 1986, he led the French delegation negotiating construction of the Channel Tunnel, and from 1985 to 1989 taught at the International Institute of Public Administration.

Johannes Linthorst Homan

He contributed to the failed Beyen plan and then participated in the Messina conference, leading the Dutch delegation which ended up with his signature of the Treaty of Rome.

Jonas Gahr Støre

He later became an ambassador in the Norwegian Delegation to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Kostandin Çekrezi

In 1946, he was the one to receive a delegation headed by Tuk Jakova in New Yorker Hotel, and the second meeting with Mihal Prifti, where Costa suggested that the Albanian government should find the way to connect with the Western powers, especially USA, and abolish the "friendly" relations with Yugoslavia of Tito, drawing parallels with King Zog-Nikola Pašić agreements.

Loyal Company of Virginia

Significantly the Virginia delegation was led by Thomas Walker and Andrew Lewis, who led the Greenbrier Company.

Ma Yuehan

In 1936, he coached the Chinese sports delegation to the 11th Olympic Games.

Mohammad Aslam Watanjar

He also headed the official Afghan delegation to Baikonur, in his position of communications minister and member of its ruling Politburo.


In 1937 Morgnshtern had prepared a delegation to take part in the Workers Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium, but the Polish government refused to give travel visas to the athletes.

Ogmund Crouchdance

In 1261 he was one of the leaders of the Norwegian delegation who took princess Ingebjørg Eiriksdotter, the daughter of Eric IV of Denmark, out of the convent in Horsens (dominikanerkloster ved Horsens) to bring her to Norway as the bride of the king's son, Magnus Håkonsson.

Ozette, Washington

In 1997, a delegation from Mihama came to Ozette to commemorate the souls of three Japanese sailors whose ship ran aground in the area in 1834, and who were held briefly by the Makah before being released to Fort Vancouver.

Philip Woodfield

Woodfield and Steele also represented the British Government at that meeting, along with William Whitelaw, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and Paul Channon, a millionaire Guinness heir and minister of state at the Northern Ireland Office; the IRA was again represented by Adams and Ó Conaill, along with Seán MacStiofáin, the leader of the delegation, Séamus Twomey, Martin McGuinness, Ivor Bell, and Myles Shevlin, a solicitor.

Rayat ash-Shaghilah

Rayat ash-Shaghilah sent its own delegation to the 5th World Festival of Youth and Students held in Warsaw, Poland, in 1955.

Robb Austin

Atwater introduced Austin to Reagan and included him in White House social functions and high level events, including the October 8, 1981, South Lawn departure ceremony of former Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter who were leading the nation's delegation to the State funeral of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.


The cease-fire negotiations between Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and the Iraqi delegation led by Lt Gen Sultan Hashim Ahmad took place in Safwan.

Saint Andrew of Patras

The cross of the apostle was presented to the Bishop of Patras Nicodemus by the Roman Catholic delegation led by cardinal Roger Etchegaray.

Serafino Romualdi

He was a member of the Joint AFL-CIO Commission that investigated labor conditions in the Central Zone in January 1949, and was a member of the US delegation to the conventions of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) held in Milan, in 1951; Vienna in (1955) and Tunis in 1957.

Simple public-key infrastructure

The most prominent general deployments of SPKI/SDSI are E-speak, a middleware product from HP that used SPKI/SDSI for access control of web methods, and UPnP Security, that uses an XML dialect of SPKI/SDSI for access control of web methods, delegation of rights among network participants, etc.

Smolensk North Airport

A Polish government Tu-154M Lux carrying President Lech Kaczyński, his wife, and an official delegation crashed during the final approach to the airport on 10 April 2010.

Sport policies of the Arab League

Egypt became the first Arab country to send an Olympic delegation - fencer Ahmed Hassanein - to the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1914

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1914 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 3, 1914.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1924

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1924 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 4, 1924.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1928

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1928 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 6, 1928.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1934

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1934 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 6, 1934.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1954

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1954 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 6, 1954.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1974

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1974 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 4, 1974.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1978

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1978 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 7, 1978.

United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1984

The United States House of Representatives elections in California, 1984 was an election for California's delegation to the United States House of Representatives, which occurred as part of the general election of the House of Representatives on November 6, 1984.

United States House of Representatives elections in Kansas, 2010

Freshman incumbent Republican Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, who was initially sent to Congress after defeating previous Congresswoman Nancy Boyda in 2008, was the only member of the Kansas congressional delegation to seek re-election this cycle.

United States presidential election in Oklahoma, 2008

Another fallback for Obama was that U.S. Representative Dan Boren, the only Democrat from Oklahoma's five-member delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives, refused to endorse Obama.

see also