Polybius Hist. III 25, 6 in occasion of a treaty stipulated by the fetials between Rome and Carthage; Livy VIII 9, 6 in the formula of the devotio of Decius Mus; Festus s.v. spolia opima, along with Plutarch Marcellus 8, Servius ad Aeneidem VI 860 on the same topic.
Garcias de Cisneros the abbot of the abbey of Montserrat was influenced by the Devotio Moderna (as well as Louis Barbo) and his book Ejercitatorio de la vida espiritual, i.e. "exercises for the spiritual life" became one of the primary sources for the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.
Devotio Moderna arose at the same time as Christian Humanism, a meshing of Renaissance Humanism and Christianity, and is related to German mysticism and other movements which promoted an intense personal relationship with God.