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Anjouan Island day gecko (Phelsuma v-nigra anjouanensis Meier, 1986) is a small diurnal subspecies of geckos.
Blue-tailed day gecko (Phelsuma cepediana Merrem, 1820) is a diurnal species of geckos.
Boehme's giant day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis boehmei Meier, 1982) is a diurnal species of gecko.
Grand Comoro day gecko (Phelsuma v-nigra comoraegrandensis Meier, 1986) is a small diurnal subspecies of geckos.
Pasteur's day gecko (Phelsuma v-nigra pasteuri Meier, 1984 (syn.Phelsuma pasteuri Meirte, 1999)) is a small diurnal subspecies of geckos.
Seipp's day gecko (Phelsuma seippi Meier, 1987) is a diurnal species of geckos.