Grace Jones | Amazing Grace | Grace Kelly | Will & Grace | Divine Comedy | Three Days Grace | Grace Under Fire (TV series) | Grace Under Fire | Havre de Grace, Maryland | Grace Moore | Grace | W. G. Grace | Pilgrimage of Grace | Nancy Grace | Topher Grace | Havre de Grace | Grace Slick | W. R. Grace and Company | Grace Hopper | Grace Helbig | Grace Episcopal Church | Grace Church | Grace Cathedral, San Francisco | Divine Light Mission | Divine | Grace Wong | Grace Paley | Grace Huang | grace | Divine Office |
When the calendar system of Anno Domini was first introduced by Dionysius Exiguus in AD 525, he assigned the beginning of the new year to March 25 since, according to Catholic theology, the era of grace began with the Incarnation of Christ.
According to Sisters of the Extreme: Women Writing on the Drug Experience, Gracie's name was chosen in homage to Gracie Allen, Grace Slick, and the "gratuitous grace" that Aldous Huxley found in the psychedelic experience.
The devotion to the Precious Blood was a special phenomenon of Flemish piety in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, that gave rise to the iconic image of Grace as the "Fountain of Life," filled with blood, pouring from the wounded "Lamb of God" or the "Holy Wounds" of Christ.
We say also that wicked men are still in the state of nature, but the regenerate in a state of grace; that cures wrought by medicines are natural operations; but the miraculous ones wrought by Christ and his apostles were supernatural.
— « Des délais de l'intervention divine : grâce et salut dans deux emblèmes d'Achille Bocchi », in J. Pigeaud (éd.), « Les Grâces », Littératures Classiques, n°60, automne 2006, p.
Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses can be summarized as “Sola Gratia" ("by Divine Grace alone"), Sola Fide ("by Faith alone”), and Sola Scriptura ("by the Bible alone").