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After securing his Master's degree in psychology from University of Mysore, H.N.Murthy gained admission into "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven" or the "Catholic University of Leuven", Belgium to pursue his doctoral studies in psychology for the award of a PhD.His subject chosen was "Causality in Experimental Psychology".
At the time of his death Cramer had completed doctoral studies at the University of Munich and had submitted his dissertation.
The Faculty offers postgraduate awards in the form of master's degrees, as coursework and research degrees, doctoral studies and postgraduate diplomas or certificates.
McNeil earned a Bachelor and Master degrees at the University of California, Los Angeles, and did his doctoral studies at the University of Southern California, the Westminster Choir College of Princeton, and the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
He then undertook doctoral studies in Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, United States (MA, PhD, 1996), where he was supervised by Harold W. Attridge.
Following his doctoral studies, Simon took professorship at Princeton for many years, often working with colleague Elliott H. Lieb on the Thomas-Fermi Theory and Hartree-Fock Theory of atoms in addition to phase transitions and mentoring many of the same students as Lieb.
Mrs. Batocabe was then the high school principal of Maryhill Academy on sabbatical for her doctoral studies at De La Salle University, Manila.
Goldman earned his BA in Columbia University in 1973, and completed his doctoral studies in economics at London School of Economics in 1976.
She then studied for three years at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem before returning to Laval to complete her doctorate, following which she did post-doctoral studies at the department of history at McGill University.
Returning to Toronto after his doctoral studies in 1972, Kealey worked on his dissertation and his partner, fellow labour historian Linda Kealey, commenced her own PhD work at the University of Toronto, initially under the supervision of Jill Ker Conway.
His doctoral studies were on the theology of Muhammad Abduh, focusing on the extent to which Abduh had been influenced by Mu'tazila teachings.
He went on to pursue doctoral studies, earning a Ph.D. in 1969 from Cambridge after researching the music of Berlioz for a dissertation consisting of a critical edition of Les Troyens.
After studying at Plymouth North High School he graduated with honors from Harvard University, and pursued doctoral studies in political science at City University of New York Graduate School and University Center.
In 1997, she moved to Paris where she undertook doctoral studies at Paris 8 University under the supervision of Edmond Couchot, and obtained her doctorate in aesthetics and science and technology in the arts with her thesis L'installation en mouvement: une esthétique de la violence (The installation in motion: an aesthetics of violence) in 2002.
He completed his post-doctoral studies under Dr. Brendan Whittle, Sir John Vane and Sir Salvador Moncada at Wellcome Research Laboratories in the UK.
He completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, and later served as visiting fellow and professor in Trieste, Camerino, Perugia, and Rome, all in Italy, Uppsala in Sweden, Brno in the Czech Republic, Perth in Australia and Pretoria and Stellenbosch, both in South Africa.
Yates earned her BA in English from Oregon State University and earned a Master's in Comparative East West Humanities from New York University, where she pursued her doctoral studies in Asian Affairs.
She returned to Cambridge to complete doctoral studies under Peter Holland and Anne Barton.
bonneti is named after Dr. Federico Bonet (died 1980), emeritus professor of the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, who assisted Guzmán with his doctoral studies.
He attended the Lester B. Pearson United World College in Victoria, B.C., Canada, the University of Hull where he was awarded the Philip Larkin Prize, and the University of Edinburgh where he completed his doctoral studies in African and Indian Literature.
In April 2009, Zare was accepted to the University of Michigan's composition program and will begin his doctoral studies with Michael Daugherty.
During his doctoral studies Patteson had developed an interest in the first century book, the Wisdom of Ben Sira, Prior to 1964 the only extant Hebrew text of this book was known from the Cairo Geniza collection.
From 1968 to 1973, Wittig studied biology and chemistry at the Wilhelms-University of Westphalia in Münster and passed the state examination, followed by doctoral studies from 1973 to 1976 (Dr.rer.nat.).
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW), the largest university in Salatiga with 14 Faculties and 3 Doctoral studies, and 14,000 students and 300 faculty members.
After ordination, he spent a semester in Münster, Westphalia, studying under the theologian Karl Rahner, before he transferred to the University of Regensburg to do his doctoral studies under the supervision of the then Professor Joseph Ratzinger.
Emanuel Lasker had virtually retired after retaining the Chess World Championship in 1897, in part due to his doctoral studies in mathematics, but defended his title against Frank J. Marshall from January 26 to April 6, 1907, in the USA, games being played in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and Memphis.
Subsequently he completed a Bachelor of Music degree with First Class Honours on the classical guitar at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with Gregory Pikler and Phillip Houghton, and he is currently undertaking Doctoral studies there under the supervision of Richard Toop and Matthew Hindson.