
unusual facts about drawn and quartered


The condemned were not only hanged from the gallows, but also, according to each one’s sentence, broken on the wheel, drawn and quartered or beheaded.

see also

Bigod's Rebellion

During 1537 Bigod was hanged at Tyburn, Lords Darcy and Hussey both beheaded, Thomas Moigne, M.P. for Lincoln was hanged, drawn and quartered, Sir Robert Constable hanged in chains at Hull and Robert Aske hanged in chains at York.

Glastonbury chair

Arthur perished on Glastonbury Tor in 1539, hung, drawn and quartered alongside his master, Richard Whiting, the last Abbot of Glastonbury, during the dissolution of the monasteries.

Zachary Babington

He was distantly related to Anthony Babington, who in 1586 was hung, drawn and quartered on Tower Hill for his participation in a plot to put Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne.