
unusual facts about economists

Paul Samuelson

In 2003, Samuelson was one of the ten Nobel Prize winning economists signing the Economists' statement opposing the Bush tax cuts.

Adriatic Institute for Public Policy

Institute's executive board and research posts are occupied by leading free-market economists and business leaders, such as Edwin Meese III, John Blundell, Dr. Andrey Illarionov, Monica Macovei, Maurice McTigue, Ivan Mikloš, Dr. Alvin Rabushka, Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell and others.

Amoroso–Robinson relation

The Amoroso–Robinson relation, named after economists Luigi Amoroso and Joan Robinson, describes the relation between price, marginal revenue, and elasticity of demand.

Binary economics

According to theories first proposed by Louis Kelso, widespread use of central bank issued interest-free loans to fund employee-owned firms can finance economic growth whilst widening stock ownership in a way which binary economists believe will be non-inflationary.

Cafeteria Christianity

In The Marketplace of Christianity, economists Robert Ekelund, Robert Hébert and Robert Tollison equate Cafeteria Christianity with self-generated Christianity, i.e. the religion of many Christians which "matches their demand profile" and "may be Christian or based in other areas of thought."

Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement

Other economists on the free-trade side included John Whalley of the University of Western Ontario and Richard Lipsey of the C.D. Howe Institute.

Canadian public debt

Harvard University economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff warned about the dramatic risks entailed when public debt-to-GDP ratio exceeds 90 percent in their book entitled This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (2009).


Centre for Economic Policy Research, a London-based European network of economists, founded in 1983

Classical economics

Some classical ideas are represented in various schools of heterodox economics, notably Marxian economics – Marx being a contemporary of the classical economists and their immediate successors – and Austrian economics, which split from neoclassical economics in the late 19th century.

Deep Economy

By contrast to such economists and commentators as Deirdre McCloskey, Thomas Friedman and Jeffrey Sachs, McKibben does not promote globalization in the developing world, which he views as ineffective means of raising the global standard of living and unsustainable given limited global resources.


Therefore, some economists, including John Geanakoplos, strongly argue that the Federal Reserve should monitor and regulate the system-wide leverage level in the economy, limiting leverage in good times and encouraging higher levels of leverage in bad times, by extending lending facilities.

Ernest Mercier

Although he still participated the 1938 Colloque Walter Lippmann (a gathering of liberal economists), he did not seem to take any active role, and perhaps had been attracted there because the problems of liberal economics were studied from a wider perspective than just that of France.

Fear the Boom and Bust

Fear the Boom and Bust is a 2010 hip hop music video in which 20th century economists John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich von Hayek (played by Billy Scafuri and Adam Lustick, respectively) take part in a rap battle discussing economics, specifically, the boom and bust business cycle, for which the video is named.

File sharing

A study by economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf in 2004 concluded that music file sharing's effect on sales was "statistically indistinguishable from zero".

General equilibrium theory

Anglo-American economists became more interested in general equilibrium in the late 1920s and 1930s after Piero Sraffa's demonstration that Marshallian economists cannot account for the forces thought to account for the upward-slope of the supply curve for a consumer good.

George Akerlof

He is a trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security, and co-director of the Social Interactions, Identity and Well-Being program at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).

Gerardo Sicat

Introducing the Indonesian edition of his book, Professor Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, former dean of the faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia, wrote in the preface: “It is my hope that it will become an alternative to textbooks currently available, including the translations of works from the world’s leading economists, whose writings are relevant to a different context from that of Indonesia.”

German Free-minded Party

The economists Ludwig Bamberger and Georg von Siemens, as well as the social liberal politician Eugen Richter were among the prime movers of the fusion, in the view of the coming accession of considered "liberal" Crown Prince Frederick William to the throne (which took place only in 1888).

Hall–Rabushka flat tax

The Hall–Rabushka flat tax is a fully developed flat tax on consumption designed by American economists Robert Hall and Alvin Rabushka at the Hoover Institution.

Health insurance cooperative

Prominent economists such as 2008 Nobel Economics Laureate Paul Krugman and Robert Reich have also questioned co-ops' ability to become large enough to reduce health care costs significantly.


The International Institute of Public Finance, a world organization for Public Finance economists

Immigration to Chile

Thence, with akin Latin culture, Italians have helped forge the nation, with architects (Gioacchino Toesca), painters (Camilo Mori), businessmen (Anacleto Angelini), Economists (Vittorio Corbo) and statesmen (Arturo Alessandri) among others.

Institute for Financial Studies

The Institute for Financial Studies is a private, independent, non-partisan research institute founded in 1996 by a group of well-known Russian economists led by Andrey Vavilov and Alexey Pomansky.

International trade

In the early 1900s a theory of international trade was developed by two Swedish economists, Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations

However, a similar analysis by American economists Garett Jones and Schneider (2006) showed that IQ is a statistically significant explanatory variable of economic growth.

Josiah Tucker

The policy pleased nobody in England, and Tucker, though his views were approved in later years by many of the laisser-faire economists, was for a time treated as a Cassandra, a name under which he published in the newspapers.

Labor and Employment Relations Association

It originally consisted of about 100 researchers (economists; management, human resources, and labor relations researchers; attorneys, historians and sociologists) from 30 universities, including California-Berkeley, Columbia, Cornell, Illinois, Massachusetts (several campuses), MIT, Michigan, Michigan State, Northeastern, Rutgers, Stanford and UCLA, as well as universities in Canada and the United Kingdom.

Lars Pålsson Syll

Pålsson Syll's theories have been criticized by right-wing economists such as Henrik Jordahl, Andreas Bergh and author Johan Norberg.

Leadership Institute

While the Institute does not provide instruction in philosophical conservatism, it does encourage its graduates to read classic conservative authors like Edmund Burke and "classical liberal" authors like Frederic Bastiat, as well as more modern conservative thinkers including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, and libertarian thinkers such as economists Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek.

Manchester Independent Economic Review

The Review panel is an independent panel of economists and business leaders, led by Sir Tom McKillop, Chairman of the Review panel, Jim O’Neill - Head of Global Economic Research for Goldman Sachs, Professor Edward Glaeser - Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics at the University of Harvard, Diane Coyle - Managing Director of Enlightenment Economics and Jonathan Kestenbaum - Chief Executive of NESTA, The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.

Marcel Fratzscher

According to a ranking in Handelsblatt, Fratzscher is one of the most influential German-speaking economists.

Marginal product of labor

In the aftermath of the marginal revolution in economics, a number of economists including John Bates Clark and Thomas Nixon Carver sought to derive an ethical theory of income distribution based on the idea that workers were morally entitled to receive a wage exactly equal to their marginal product.

Market abolitionism

Economists such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and Brink Lindsey argue that if the market is eliminated along with property, prices, and wages, then the mode of information transmission is eliminated and what will result is a highly inefficient system for transmitting the value, supply, demand, of goods, services, resources, along with an elimination of the most efficient mode of market transactions.

Media Research Center

BMI's advisory board includes such well-known individuals as economists Walter Williams and Bruce Bartlett, as well as former CNN anchor David Goodnow.

National debt of the United States

In 2010, economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart reported that among the 20 developed countries studied, average annual GDP growth was 3–4% when debt was relatively moderate or low (i.e. under 60% of GDP), but it dips to just 1.6% when debt was high (i.e., above 90% of GDP).

Penn effect

New York for one dollar as in Tokyo for 360 Yen, the pegged nominal exchange rate at the time.

Permanent war economy

The central arguments against this position have been made by economists like Seymour Melman, Lloyd J. Dumas and John Ullmann.

Philippe Le Corbeiller

He was a close friend of Dutch physicist Balthasar van der Pol, whose work on nonlinear self-oscillating dynamical systems (see van der Pol oscillator) he extended and popularized among electrical engineers, mathematicians, and economists.


Most economists, including Nobel prize winners Milton Friedman and Paul Krugman, believe that free trade helps workers in developing countries, even though they are not subject to the stringent health and labour standards of developed countries.

Public bad

Most "green economists" advise measuring such impacts back to the present from the seventh generation.

Resource-based relative value scale

William Hsiao was the principal investigator who organized a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, which included statisticians, physicians, economists and measurement specialists, to develop the RBRVS.

Revenue neutrality of the FairTax

One of the leading economists supporting the FairTax is Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University.

Sadok Chaabane

He told many of his academic friends who were political scientists and economists that Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali has now become the man of the moment, and that he would in due course become the head of state, which happened one year later.

Samuel Hollander

Especially his "new view" of David Ricardo as a direct predecessor of later neo-classical economists such as Marshall and Walras has triggered heated debates.

Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life

Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life is a 1976 book by Marxist economists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis.

Share price

But some economists, for example Eugene Fama, argue that most of these patterns occur accidentally, rather than as a result of irrational or inefficient behavior of investors: the huge amount of data available to researchers for analysis allegedly causes the fluctuations.

Social dividend

The social dividend is a key feature of many models for market socialism, and has been proposed by Oskar Lange, Abba Lerner, James Meade and more recently by the economists James Yunker and John Roemer.

Stop the Decline

FiD was launched in July 2012 by a group of seven economists: Oscar Giannino, Michele Boldrin, Sandro Brusco, Alessandro De Nicola, Andrea Moro, Carlo Stagnaro and Luigi Zingales.

Swedish banking rescue

In September 2008, economists Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman have proposed the Swedish experiment as a model for what should be done to solve the economic crisis currently affecting the United States.

World Growth Institute

Key U.S. economists contributing to World Growth studies include Professor Alan Blinder and Dr. Robert Shapiro, former Undersecretary of Commerce to President Bill Clinton.

see also