
unusual facts about electric shock

Electric shock

Residual-current device, a device used to protect against electric shocks

Crawford family murder

Crawford had constructed an electrocution device, using a 15 metre length of electrical lead and alligator clips.

see also

Dan Mitrione

In 1960 he was assigned to State Department's International Cooperation Administration, going to South American countries to teach "advanced counterinsurgency techniques." A. J. Langguth, a former New York Times bureau chief in Saigon, claimed that Mitrione was among the US advisers teaching Brazilian police how much electric shock to apply to prisoners without killing them.

Hudson v. McMillian

Many things—beating with a rubber truncheon, water torture, electric shock, incessant noise, reruns of Space: 1999—may cause agony as they occur, yet leave no enduring injury.

Strength tester machine

American Pickers features a 1920s Advance Machine Company electric shock strength tester in the 22nd episode "Laurel and Hardy".

Stun gun

Electroshock weapon, an incapacitating weapon that momentarily disables a person with an electric shock


The CrustaStun is a device designed to administer a lethal electric shock to shellfish (such as lobsters, crabs, and crayfish) before cooking.