
unusual facts about emancipation of women

Minna Kleeberg

She had an abiding interest in public and patriotic questions: The Franco-Prussian War, the Fifteenth Amendment, Friedrich Hecker, the emancipation of women, and the cause of liberty and democracy were among her themes.

see also

Dora d'Istria

In the tract Les femmes en Orient ("Women in the Orient") (Zürich 1859, 2 Vols.) she spoke out for the emancipation of women in the Levant; in Des femmes, par une femme ("About Women, by a Woman") (2. Ed., Brussels 1869, 2 Vols.) she compared the situation of women in Latin Europe of with those in Germany and demanded with strong words the equal treatment of men and women.

Joan Ure

The University of Parma, Italy, also uses two plays by Joan Ure in their English Literature programme: Come una ragazzina (1968) and Riprendi la tua costola ! (1974) are available in the Italian translation by Panozzo Editore who describe her works as "confronting the themes of the condition and emancipation of women .... with the irony which characterises the whole work of Joan Ure".

Mohammed Daoud Khan

His ten-year tenure was noted for his foreign policy turn to the Soviet Union, the completion of the Helmand Valley project, which radically improved living conditions in southwestern Afghanistan, and tentative steps towards the emancipation of women.