
unusual facts about enact


Arputha Theevu

Albhutha Dweepu was released in 2005 and the remake rights were sold almost immediately to Hollywood director Ron Howard who was in India at that time.The film stars 300 dwarfs, and all 300 are to enact the same role in Hollywood version of the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Bill Stall

After ten years of unsuccessful efforts to pass such a bill, the proposal passed in the legislature and was signed into law by Governor Gray Davis, making California the first state in the Western United States to enact such a law.

Brooklands Museum

The Museum also owns and, until late 2009, operated an airworthy Vickers Vimy replica which was built in America in 1994 to re-enact the design's three record-breaking long distance flights of 1919-20.

City Sushi

He proceeds to enact a plan to get rid of Takayama by first faking a truce and then publicly humiliating him at the school by depicting old stock photos of the atrocities Japan committed against the Chinese during the Second Sino-Japanese War, such as the Nanking massacre.

Climate change in California

It is the successor bill to AB 1058, was enacted on July 22, 2002 by Governor Gray Davis and mandates that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) develop and implement greenhouse gas limits for vehicles beginning in model year 2009.

Communication aesthetics

At the occasion of Artmedia, a colloquium on Video Art organized by Mario Costa, Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Salerno, Fred Forest had been invited to enact a performance and installation involving the Italian National Television Broadcaster (RAI).

Don Adams' Screen Test

The game involves two 15-minute periods, in which a random person would be asked to act out or re-enact a famous Hollywood movie scene (such as the race scene from the 1964 movie Viva Las Vegas).

East Caribbean dollar

In the years following the 1838 order-in-council, the British West Indies territories began to enact local legislation for the purposes of assimilating their monies of account with the British pound sterling.

Ex post facto law

Because Section 11 of the Charter is among the sections that can be overridden under Section 33 (the notwithstanding clause), Parliament could in theory enact ex post facto laws by invoking Section 33.

Executive Order 11375

During the legislative effort to enact the Civil Rights Act of 1964, "sex" was not among the categories the bill initially covered.

Freedom of speech in the United States

The freedom of speech is not absolute; the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech.

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

The United States has issued regulations to enact the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 and to align domestic regulations with the maritime security standards of SOLAS and the ISPS Code.

Irish Home Rule movement

With the collapse of the allied front during the German Spring Offensive and Operation Michael, Britain had a serious manpower shortage and the Cabinet agreed on 5 April to enact Home Rule immediately linked in a "dual policy" of extending conscription to Ireland.


Katzenbach v. Morgan, 1966 case regarding the power of Congress, pursuant to Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, to enact laws which enforce and interpret provisions of the Constitution

Lake Lyndon B. Johnson

In addition to his work to enact the Rural Electrification Act that formed the basis for building the Highland Lakes, President Johnson owned a ranch on the lake (which was separate and apart from the LBJ Ranch in Stonewall, Texas), and he and Mrs. Johnson entertained national and foreign dignitaries on the lake during his vice presidency and presidency.

Low-carbon fuel standard

Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-1-07 on January 19, 2007 to enact a low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS).

Napoleon Senki

This video game allows the player to re-enact the Napoleonic Wars using a bird's-eye view.

New York State Route 153

A bill (S4856, 2007) to enact the swap was introduced in the New York State Senate on April 23 and passed by both the Senate and the New York State Assembly on June 20.

Nikolaos Mavridis

He is also an active member of the Horasis think tank based in Switzerland, whose purpose is to "enact visions for a sustainable future" through new platforms for cooperation and knowledge-sharing, particularly between developed countries and emerging markets.

Proposal for the Province of Toronto

Glen Murray has stated that Canadian cities must rely on property taxes, as they have no ability to enact other taxes or collect income or consumption taxes.

Royal Command

The Royal Family, who are watching everything on television from their hospital beds, are pleased with what is happening, until the Goodies decide to re-enact the Coronation, in Westminster Abbey, with the genuine Archbishop of Canterbury, so that Tim will be crowned as the Queen and the Goodies will be the new "Royal Family".

Slepcev Storch

The designer has a keen interest in Second World War history and wanted to use an example of his Storch design to re-enact the 12 September 1943 rescue of Benito Mussolini by Otto Skorzeny and his SS commandos from his imprisonment by Italian partisans on the Gran Sasso mountain.

Storyteller Café

The toys dress up as Bible characters and re-enact the Bible stories as one of them narrates the story from The Book.

The Sensational Spider-Man

Jurgens pushed strongly for the restoration of Peter Parker as the true Spider-Man and plans were made to enact this soon, but Bob Harras, the new Editor-in-chief, demanded the story be deferred until after the Onslaught crossover.

Thích Ca Phật Đài

There is also a garden, with plants and flowers blooming all year round, with props and scenery to re-enact the first sermon at Deer Park in Sarnath, where the Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path to the first five sangha and arahants: Kaundinya, Assaji, Mahanama, Bhaddiya and Vappa.

Victorian state election, 1932

Although supported by Victoria's Labor Premier, Edmond Hogan, several of his ministers, and a majority of the Labor parliamentary caucus, the Labor Party in general did not support the plan—a meeting of the Victorian Labor Conference in August 1931 passed a motion 143 to 87 opposing the plan, and calling upon the Victorian parliament to reject any legislation to enact it.


Germany expanded the size of its navy and opted for more aggressive naval policies in order to enact Weltpolitik; indeed, the motto "Our future lies on the sea" was inscribed on one of the German buildings at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris.

World Justice Forum

Justice Arthur Chaskalson, former Chief Justice of South Africa, and Aruna Roy, who spearheaded efforts to enact India’s ground-breaking Right to Information Act through her organization Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), were honored with the inaugural World Justice Project Rule of Law Award.


Since then the château has continued to welcome the parlement when called upon to sit in a congressional sitting, jointly with the upper house in order to enact constitutional changes or, as happened most recently in June 2009, to listen to a formal declaration by the president.

see also