
unusual facts about encoder


Basic Interoperable Scrambling System

Proprietary encryption methods were determined by encoder manufacturers, and placed major compatibility limitations on the type of satellite receiver (IRD) that could be used for each feed.

BeOS R5.1d0

In a potential move towards releasing the system as open source software, many proprietary items had been removed: the MP3 encoder was replaced with LAME, and OpenSSL replaced the RSA Encryption Engine in the NetPositive web browser.


Video Codec Comparison carried out through Moscow State University Compression Project, Elecard AVC Encoder demonstrated the fastest encoding speed and high picture quality, ranking 5th (and last among the tested H.264 encoders) in the overall codecs comparison results.

Mitchell Electronics

Mitchell Electronics' products include the TI-3000 line of servomotor run-rest equipment, TI-4000EX (formerly PulsePro) line of encoder test equipment, TI-5000EX (formerly TI-5000) line of PC based servo feedback test equipment and software and the TI-7000 line of servo feedback field test equipment.

Priority encoder

Priority encoders can be easily connected in arrays to make larger encoders, such as one 16-to-4 encoder made from six 4-to-2 priority encoders - four 4-to-2 encoders having the signal source connected to their inputs, and the two remaining encoders take the output of the first four as input.The priority encoder is an improvement on a simple encoder circuit, in terms of handling all possible input configurations.


A RemoteFX encoder ASIC may also be optionally installed to further accelerate encoding.

Smart Bitrate Control

Nandub was a modification of the Open Source VirtualDub video encoder performed by Nando that incorporated SBC features.

Standard Army Maintenance System – Enhanced

Hardware: COTS notebooks, host, printer and AIT equipment (handheld device, wireless access point, encoder/decoder)


More recently however, Xiph developers have compared the 1.1 Theora encoder to YouTube's H.264 and H.263+ encoders, in response to concerns raised in 2009 about Theora's inferior performance by Chris DiBona, a Google employee.

Wheelchair trainer

A quadrature rotary encoder or hall effect sensor can be implemented to provide sufficient speed and direction information to enable virtual navigation interface with video games in a manner similar to using a joystick or gaming console.

see also