
3 unusual facts about endocytosis


The importance of them for the clearance of LDL from blood was discovered by R. G Anderson, Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein in 1976.

The best-understood receptors that are found concentrated in coated vesicles of mammalian cells are the LDL receptor (which removes LDL from circulating blood), the transferrin receptor (which brings ferric ions bound by transferrin into the cell) and certain hormone receptors (such as that for EGF).

Interleukin 15 receptor, alpha subunit

It is suggested that this property allows IL-15 to be produced by one cell, endocytosed by another cell, and then presented to a third party cell.

Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A

The AVPR1A is endocytosed by binding to beta arrestin, which dissociates rapidly from AVPR1A to allow it to return to the plasma membrane; however, upon activation, AVPR1A can heterodimerize with AVPR2 to increase beta-arrestin-mediated endocytosis (and intracellular accumulation) of AVPR1A, since AVPR2 is far less likely to dissociate from beta-arrestin.

Mesoporous silica

Like a Trojan Horse, the particles will be taken up by certain biological cells though endocytosis, depending on what chemicals are attached to the outside of the spheres.

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