
unusual facts about entitlement


Basic Allowance for Quarters, more commonly known as Basic Allowance for Housing, or BAH, a U.S. military entitlement of money to pay for housing.

Certificate of Entitlement

Before buying a new vehicle, potential vehicle owners in Singapore are required by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to first place a monetary bid for a Certificate of Entitlement (COE).

Claud Morris

Leaving Collurian he workded as a porter at Penzance railway station for the Great Western Railway and with the free pass, that was part of his entitlement, he travelled to London to search for a post as a journalist.

Del Latta

In 1981, he co-sponsored the Gramm-Latta Omnibus Reconciliation Bill which implemented President Ronald Reagan's economic program including an increase in military spending and some minor cuts in discretionary and entitlement spending.

Entitlement theory

In his later work, The Examined Life, Nozick reflects that entitlement theory's defense of people's holdings may have some problems, in that it could eventually lead to the vast majority of resources being pooled in the hands of the extremely skilled, or, through gifts and inheritance, in the hands of the extremely skilled's friends and children.

Ethan Couch

Suniya S. Luthar, who specializes in "the costs of affluence in suburban communities"—maintains that research shows feelings of entitlement among affluent youth is a social problem, and that "we are setting a double standard for the rich and poor."

Hamelin de Warenne, Earl of Surrey

He also possessed the third penny (entitlement to one third of the fines levied in the county courts) of County Surrey and held the castles of Mortemer and Bellencombre in Normandy.

Ivor Caplin

In 2010 Sir Thomas Legg conducted an independent audit of MPs expenses in which he determined that Caplin should repay £17,865 representing mortgage interest payments claimed on his second home, after Caplin failed to provide paperwork to establish his entitlement to claim the money.

Law Enforcement Availability Pay

Availability pay is generally an entitlement that an agency must provide if the required conditions are met, but is optional in any agency's Office of the Inspector General that may employ fewer than five criminal investigators.

Southern Ireland

Notably, it was not convened by Viscount FitzAlan, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who, under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, was the office-holder with the entitlement to convene a meeting of the House of Commons of Southern Ireland.

Vaccines for Children Program

The VFC program was created by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and is required to be a new entitlement of each state's Medicaid plan.

see also