The eulogy was delivered by Elias Simojoki whilst hundreds of members of Simojoki's Sinimustat youth movement and the Academic Karelia Society were in attendance.
The title track for the album is a eulogy to Saudi Arabia's King Faisal, a fan of the Grateful Dead who died the year the album was released.
However, as Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik suggested in his eulogy for the Brisker Rov, the full, true "Brisk approach" as we know it today was not developed until Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik had been rabbi of Brisk for many years.
Former students from around the world gathered in Bristol for his funeral at which the eulogy was delivered by former student Stephanie Cole.
His eulogy was delivered by the Archbishop of Melbourne, and both Prime Minister Billy Hughes and Leader of the Opposition Matthew Charlton attended his funeral.
He is remembered for building Turvey House and sheltering the future martyr Edmund Campion there; for his impressive tomb in Lusk Church; and for the eulogy to him in Holinshed's Chronicles.
A Memorial Day eulogy and parade begin here, led by the local Boy Scout troop.
Loren Nerell — Oberheim Synth in "Demon Train" and "Eulogy" on New Dark Age.
Eulogy for Evolution is Icelandic producer Ólafur Arnalds' first studio album.
More than 500 people attend Murnane's 1968 funeral, including ILWU International President Harry Bridges, who served as honorary pallbearer and delivered a graveside eulogy, Governor Tom McCall, U.S. Senator Wayne Morse Wayne Morse, Mayor Terry Schrunk, Dovie Odom Hatfield, mother of Mark Hatfield Commissioner William Bowes, Commissioner Frank Ivancie, and Commissioner Stanley Earl.
Gqiba delivered the eulogy at the funeral of Rabbi Cyril Harris, former Chief Rabbi of South Africa, at the Har Hamenuhot Cemetery in Israel, praising him as a prophet and a hero, who spoke out with a "bold and consistent voice" against the old apartheid system.
Éloge de Malombra - Cerne de l'amour absolu ("Malombra's Eulogy - Black Circle of Absolute Love"; manifesto, co-written with Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun, and Dolfi Trost), Bucharest, 1947
It features, in its Latin name, in the eulogy of the Serbian soldiers who died for the liberation of Southern Serbia (now the Republic of Macedonia) from Bulgarians and Austro-Hungarians at the end of World War I, on whose graves in the mountains of Kajmakčalan they grow, written by Stevan Jakovljević, writer and botanist, rector of the Belgrade University in 1945-50.
Near this historic site, General George Armstrong Custer delivered a eulogy for thousands gathered to mourn the death of President Abraham Lincoln.
While the humble cock is being sacrificed, they turn, like the women in the Ion of Euripides, to admire the works of art; among them a small boy strangling a vulpanser – doubtless the work of Boethus that we know and a sacrificial procession by Apelles, "the Ephesian," of whom we have an interesting piece of contemporary eulogy.
The Requiem was held in Freiburg Cathedral, the eulogy given by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI.
Shavteli's ode is, in fact, a eulogy to the two greatest monarchs of medieval Georgia, David "the Builder" (r. 1089-1125) and the poet's contemporary Queen Tamar (r. 1184-1213).
She was close friends with her late GH co-star Shell Kepler (Nurse Amy Vining) and delivered a eulogy at her funeral.
Mr Ponsonby is the fourth novel from noted New Zealand author Ian Middleton, and is described as "his eulogy to a gentrifying Ponsonby".
John Updike gave his eulogy at First Parish Church in Norwell, just across the street from Cheever's burial site.
The marked sentimental tendency of his art makes us wonder at John Ruskin's enthusiastic eulogy which finds in Frère's work the depth of William Wordsworth, the grace of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and the holiness of Fra Angelico.
Upon the 2004 cancer death of Claude Ryan, a former provincial Liberal leader and minister who had led the "No" side in the 1980 Quebec referendum on sovereignty, Falardeau published a harsh critique in lieu of a eulogy in the sovereigntist journal Le Québécois.
On March 5, 1932, Leavitt took to the floor of the House to deliver a eulogy to Indian Chief Plenty Coups.
He delivered a eulogy for the coronation, and remained loyal to the Stuarts after 1688, opposing the Williamites and later, in his vituperative Oran an Aghaidh an Aonaidh, the 1707 Union of the Parliaments.
Author and sports historian Norman Giller, his long-time friend, said in the eulogy: "Terry hung up his gloves in 1962 but we have never hung up our memories of one of the most accomplished fighters to come out of the East End boxing factory."
The Hundred-word Eulogy (百字讃 bǎizìzàn) is a 100-character praise of Islam, Allah, and the prophet Muhammad written by the Hongwu Emperor of China (r. 1368-1398).
After months of touring, the band signed with Eulogy Recordings where they released the Fading Out EP in 2002, and later their second album, also on Eulogy, titled Moments From Mourning, in 2002.
Eulogy on King Philip, as Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston, by the Rev. William Apes, an Indian (1836).
His allegory The Thrissil and the Rois commemorated the marriage of Margaret of England to King James IV in 1503 while the "Eulogy to Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny" welcomed the arrival of a distinguished Franco-Scottish soldier as the French ambassador in 1508.
The R.E.M. song "Departure" on the album New Adventures in Hi-Fi contains the lyric "Win a eulogy from William Greider".