
unusual facts about executive branch

2007 United States federal budget

The budget of the United States government for fiscal year 2007 was produced through a budget process involving both the legislative and executive branches of the federal government.

Anthony Valletta

He was a headmaster at three state schools, Luqa, Għaxaq and B'kara and later an inspector of government schools for the Department of Education.

Conflict between Fernández de Kirchner government and the media

The Government sent its "Resolution 125" to Congress, which after a 18-hour Senate debate, was repealed in a tie vote broken by the Vice President Julio Cobos in a surprise vote against the executive branch resolution.

Forrest-Marbury House

Marbury's battle with President Thomas Jefferson over President John Adams's federal appointments resulted in the landmark 1803 U. S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison, written by Chief Justice John Marshall and decided against Marbury, that first established the right of judicial review of executive and legislative branch acts of government.

Mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey

The Mayor of the City of Hoboken is the head of the executive branch of government of Hoboken, New Jersey, United States.

Mayor of Jersey City

The Mayor of the City of Jersey City is the head of the executive branch of government of Jersey City, New Jersey, United States.

Politics of Germany

The Bundeskanzler (federal chancellor) heads the Bundesregierung (federal government) and thus the executive branch of the federal government.

Zoran Stavreski

Zoran Stavreski (born 1964 in Ohrid) was the Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Finance.

see also


OMB Circular A-130, a circular produced by the U.S. Federal Government to establish policy for executive branch departments and agencies

Budget crisis

The term "budget crisis" could be used for situation then executive branch is freezing certain funds (impoundment) despite directions of the law on annual budget already passed by parliament.

Council on Foreign Economic Policy

On July 12, 1954 the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization chairman Nelson Rockefeller and the director of the Bureau of the Budget Rowland Hughes recommended to President Eisenhower that a detailed study be made of the adequacy of executive branch organization for the development and coordination of foreign economic policy.

Fourth branch of government

U.S. independent administrative government agencies, while technically part of the executive branch (or, in a few cases, the legislative branch) of government, are sometimes referred to as being part of the fourth branch.

Fulbright Hearings

Testimony by John W. Gardner (Chairman of Common Cause, Washington, D.C.) on the swing in public opinion regarding Vietnam war; support for announced withdrawal date and schedule whereby prisoner releases would be phased with stages of withdrawal; need for reassertion of congressional power and influence vis-a-vis the Executive Branch.

Interim Government of India

The Viceroy's Executive Council became the executive branch of the interim government.

Martha Roby

In December 2011, Roby voted in support of H.R. 10, the "Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act," which would have required Congressional approval for any "major regulations" issued by the executive branch but, unlike the 1996 Congressional Review Act, would not require the president's signature or override of a probable presidential veto.

Mayor of San Francisco

The Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco is the head of the executive branch of the San Francisco city and county government.

Mayor of Soroca

The Mayor of Soroca is head of the executive branch of Soroca City Council.

Mohamad Sheriff Osman

As the Menteri Besar of Kedah, he was the head of the executive branch of the government in the Malaysian state of Kedah.

Mohammad-Reza Bahonar

Following Hassan Rouhani's election as President, Bahonar was appointed by Chairman Ali Larijani as the parliament's liaison to the newly elected executive branch in transition mandate.

Nasrin Soltankhah

Apart from her work in the executive branch of the Iranian government, Nasrin Soltankhan was also on the City Council of Tehran having won a seat in 2003.

Parliament of the Klaipėda Region

The pro-German parliament often clashed with the pro-Lithuanian Klaipėda Directorate (executive branch of local government) and the first three parliaments were dismissed before the end of their full three-year term.

The Convention also established the framework of the autonomous institutions – the local parliament and the Klaipėda Directorate (executive branch).

Phillip Jauregui

He served the executive branch as Assistant Legal Advisor to Alabama Governor Fob James.

Pink House

Casa Rosada or Casa de Gobierno (Government House), the official seat of the executive branch of government for Argentina

Presidency of George Bush

Presidency of George W. Bush, the Executive Branch under the 43rd president of the United States, 2001–2009

Presidency of George H. W. Bush, the Executive Branch under the 41st president of the United States, 1989–1993

Richard A. Greenwood

He was appointed to replace D. Gregg Buxton who had resigned to take a position in the executive branch of the Utah government.

Robert Raben

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said Raben's confirmation "would place a proven person in a position that is critical to the cooperation of Congress and the Executive Branch."

United States Intelligence Community Oversight

The President heads oversight in the executive branch, and all covert actions must be approved by him or her (Refer to Intelligence Authorization Act and Hughes-Ryan Act).

United States Secretary of the Army

The Secretary presents and justifies Army policies, plans, programs, and budgets to the Secretary of Defense, other executive branch officials, and to the Congressional Defense Committees.