
unusual facts about exile government

Basque Republic

In this moment, Irujo promoted a Basque National Council (Consejo Nacional de Euzkadi-Euzkadi'ko Batzar Nagusia, formally established in 11 July 1940) inspired by the exile governments and committees forming among European refugees in Britain.

Boris Furlan

In 1943, he moved to London, where he served as Minister of Education in the exile government of Miloš Trifunović between June and August 1943.

see also


On December 29, 1941 Czechoslovak paratroopers Gabčík and Kubiš sent by exile government in London to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich were inserted near Nehvizdy (they overflew predesignated target area near Pilsen by more than hundred kilometres due to navigational error of their plane crew).