
unusual facts about exoplanet


Alan Boss

Boss was selected to join the NASA Science Working Group for the Kepler Mission and the NASA External Independent Readiness Board for the Exoplanet Exploration Program, both charged with the detection and characterization of nearby habitable Earth-like planets.


CoRoT-7d is an unconfirmed exoplanet that orbits around CoRoT-7, an orange-yellow star younger and smaller than the Sun.

Extragalactic planet

HIP 13044 is a star about 2000 light years away within the Milky Way galaxy which was found to have an exoplanet.

A team of scientists has used gravitational microlensing to come up with a tentative detection of an extragalactic exoplanet in Andromeda, our nearest large galactic neighbour.

Hypothetical fifth gas giant

This evolution of the giant planets orbits, similar to processes described by exoplanet researchers, is referred to as the jumping-Jupiter scenario.

Jena Observatory

Transit Timing Variation (TTV), a variation on the transit method, was used to discover an exoplanet WASP-3c by Rozhen Observatory, Jena Observatory, and Toruń Centre for Astronomy.

Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai

In 1855, Captain W. S. Jacob of the East India Observatory in Madras found orbital anomalies in the binary star 70 Ophiuchi that he claimed are evidence of an extrasolar planet—the first exoplanet false alarm.

Rozhen Observatory

Transit Timing Variation (TTV), a variation on the transit method, was used to discover an exoplanet WASP-3c by Rozhen Observatory, Jena Observatory, and Toruń Centre for Astronomy.


A 2010 study of the exoplanet COROT-7b, which was detected by transit in 2009, studied that tidal heating from the host star very close to the planet and neighboring planets could generate intense volcanic activity similar to Io.

Wilmer Herrison

This exhibition shows like in a travelogue, the deities (with Pachamama, Malku,...), the history of the Amerindian peoples (with Aymara, Tiwanaku,...), the encounter with different civilizations (with Gallia, Bandera, July 14, Ottoman Remembrance, Murano, Arica,...), strength of nature (with Volcano, Hurricane, Naturaleza viva, Twilight with color, Reflection,...) and project ourselves into the universe and its origins (with Exoplanet, Mars, Sedna,...).

see also