Alo lives on a farm in the outskirts of Bristol with his domineering mother, Catherine, hen-pecked father, Owen, and their incoherent farmhand, Dewi, who disapprove of his lifestyle.
He worked as farmhand in Texas, Apothecary, dishwasher, translator for the German Western Post in St. Louis, and as Journalist in San Francisco.
During the Second World War, Moorman resigned his living and worked as a farmhand in Wharfedale, and during this period completed his thesis Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century for a doctorate of divinity (Cambridge University, 1945).
After the recent series of events, Nick decided to change his ways, and got a job as a farmhand working at Home Farm.
She passes up the farmhand's polite offer to become sweethearts and promptly steals away to town to get her palm read by a woman fortuneteller.