
3 unusual facts about fatwa

Al-Nasir Muhammad

An attempt to reuse an old Fatwa which was issued during the reign of Sultan Qutuz and which obliged each Egyptian to pay one Dinar to support the army failed thus it was decided that the people should pay by free will and not by law.

Banu Amela

Some scholars, such as Sayyed Abdul Hussain Sharaffedine issued a Fatwa for Jihad against the French.


In 2003, on his television show John Safran Vs God, Australian comedian John Safran tricked Sheikh Omar Bakri into placing a fatwā on Safran's colleague Rove McManus by showing him falsified evidence seeming to indicate that McManus had been making fun of Islam.

Ali al-Khudair

Sheikh Ali al-Khudair had issued fatwas against several Saudi-Arabian thinkers, among them Turki al-Hamad, Mansour al-Naqeedan and Abdullah Abusamh declaring them as infidel.


Among her signature campaigns was the defence of Salman Rushdie after Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwā, or religious ruling, 14 February 1989 based on the charge that the book The Satanic Verses (1988) was a work of blasphemy.

Fatawa Azizi

Fatawa Azizi is a fatwa book by 18th century Sunni Islamic scholar Shah Abdul Aziz.

Ghayasuddin Siddiqui

His support for the fatwa issued by Khomeini continued as late as the year 2000, as The Independent and the Press Association reported.

Khayr al-Din al-Ramli

It was noted that even the Bedouin of the region who generally disregarded sharia law respected any fatwa issued by him due to cordial relations between them and al-Ramli.

Mohammad Zainuddin

Being Mufti of the city, he issued Fatwa against the British forces and to support the forces of Rao Tula Ram of Rewari.

In consequent to his Fatwa, Muslims of Rewari and nearby villages fought against British invasion and supported with heart and soul the small force of Rao Tula Ram.

Muhammad Metwali Alsharawi

On reflection of his influence was the Egyptian parliament's repeated blocking of legislation permitting organ-transplant operations, after Alsharawi issued a Fatwā declaring such operations Haraam (sinful)(in case organs are sold and not just "donated") on the grounds that `humans do not own their bodies`.

Multicultural List

In February 1996 leader Athar Ali reacted strongly when a group of muslim city councilmen in Oslo took indirect distance to the Fatwā against novelist Salman Rushdie.

Qazi Syed Mohammad Rafi

Being Mufti of the city, he issued Fatwa against the British forces and to support the forces of Rao Tula Ram.


"Everytime I Dream" was inspired by the media criticism of Yusuf Islam following his alleged support for the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini on Salman Rushdie, the author of The Satanic Verses.

Rove McManus

In 2004, McManus appeared in comedian John Safran's TV show John Safran vs God in a segment in which Safran convinced the controversial UK Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad to put a fatwa on McManus.

Segundo Asalto

#"Salman Rushdie" – Mocking on the fatwa against Salman Rushdie


In 1504, Ubayd Allah al-Wahrani, a Maliki mufti in Oran, issued a fatwā allowing Muslims to make extensive use of taqiyya in order to maintain their faith.

see also