
2 unusual facts about feast days

Popular sermon

The popular sermon (sermo modernus "modern sermon" in Latin) was a type of sermon in vernacular, the language of common people, that was commonly delivered by Catholic friars of the Franciscan and Dominican orders in the Middle Ages, on Sundays, Feast Days, and other special dates.

The popular sermon was delivered by friars of the mendicant orders, the Franciscans and Dominicans, on Sundays, Feast Days, all of Lent, sometimes during the Advent season, at funerals, at church dedications, and at universities.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

The Provincial Council of Lavours, France, in 1368, expanded this and commanded priests to give instruction on all Sundays and feast days.

Feast of the Guardian Angels

The Feast of the Guardian Angels is a feast of the Catholic Church officially observed on 2 October.

see also

Saint Daniel

Antoine Daniel (1601 – 1648), French Jesuit martyr and missionary to the Hurons, feast days October 19 and September 26

Veronica Lueken

Lueken reported her first Marian vision in her home on April 7, 1970, when the Virgin Mary informed Lueken that she would appear on the grounds of St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church in Bayside on June 18, 1970, and subsequently, on all great feast days of the Catholic Church.