
unusual facts about fieldwork


Aaro Hellaakoski

As a geographer he published scientific studies on topics such as the geological history of lake Saimaa and the geological history of lake Puula and spent his summers in geomorphological fieldwork in the Finnish Lakeland for many years.

Anderson's salamander

Ambystoma andersoni is named after James Anderson, a herpetologist with the American Museum of Natural History who did extensive fieldwork studying Ambystoma and other herp species in Mexico.

András Róna-Tas

During the mid-1960s Róna-Tas focused his fieldwork on the Chuvash people of the middle Volga River basin.

Anthony Cohen

He conducted fieldwork in Springdale, Newfoundland (1968–70) on local-level politics; and in Whalsay (1973–90), the longest sustained study of a rural British community ever undertaken.


The specimen was first studied and described by the prolific paleoentomologist Anton Handlirsch from a specimen collected by Canadian geologist and paleontologist Lawrence M. Lambe during fieldwork in central British Columbia.

Arlen F. Chase

His fieldwork began with Mesoamerican excavations at Holmul and Orange Walk, Belize with the Santa Rita Corozal project, Belize, followed by excavations at Tikal, Copan, Grasshopper Pueblo and Quintana Roo.

Bernard Arps

Since 1979 Arps spent four years on fieldwork in Indonesia, in the regions of Surakarta and Yogyakarta in central Java, Banyuwangi on the eastern tip of the island, and Cilacap on the south coast.


This project was sponsored by Arizona State University and the National Science Foundation, and fieldwork began in 2006 with a full-coverage intensive survey of the site.

Camilla Wedgwood

After her return from fieldwork she became involved in creating education policy for Nauru and held a position as the principlan of the new women's college at the University of Sydney.

Clement Woodward Meighan

His fieldwork was widely dispersed, including stints throughout various parts of California and in Utah, Arizona, Baja California, western and central Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Chile, Guam, Nubia, and Syria.

Clinical ethnography

Clinical ethnography has strong similarities to person-centered ethnography, a term used by Robert I. Levy, a psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist, to describe his anthropological fieldwork in Tahiti and Nepal in the 1960s-1980s and used by many of his students and interlocutors.

Cora DuBois

She conducted research between 1961 and 1967 on the temple city of Bhubaneswar in the Indian state of Orissa, where a number of graduate students in Anthropology and Social Relations conducted fieldwork.

David Stoll

In his book Rigoberta Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans, Stoll pointed out inconsistencies between his fieldwork and the memoir that Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchú wrote with Elizabeth Burgos.

Dorothy Way Eggan

She divorced Harrington and married Fred Eggan, an anthropologist at Chicago, in 1939 and spent the following summer doing fieldwork with the Hopi in Arizona.

Edmund Meade-Waldo

He conducted fieldwork and collected birds in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, the Canary Islands and Spain, the presumably-extinct Canary Islands Oystercatcher Haematopus meadewaldoi being foremost among them.

Edward Vajda

In August 2008 he became the first North American to visit the Ket homeland in north-central Siberia's Turukhansky District, where he conducted intensive fieldwork with some of the remaining Ket speakers.

Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin

She married linguistic anthropologist Charles F. Voegelin, with whom she jointly conducted fieldwork among Native American tribes.

Eva Harris

Ongoing fieldwork projects include clinical and biological studies of severe dengue, a pediatric cohort study of dengue transmission in Managua, and a project on evidence-based, community-derived interventions for prevention of dengue via control of its mosquito vector.

George Murdock

While his pre-war fieldwork had been among the Haida and other indigenous peoples of the Northwest North American coast, Murdock's interests were now focused on Micronesia, and he conducted fieldwork there episodically until the 1960s.

Hallaton Helmet

It was discovered in 2000 near Hallaton, Leicestershire after Ken Wallace, a member of the Hallaton Fieldwork Group, found coins in the area.


Fieldwork by these Egyptologists in 2010 and 2011 led to the discovery of a large adjoining hall which proved to contain 41 sealings showing the cartouche of the Hyksos ruler Khyan together with 9 sealings naming the 13th dynasty king Sobekhotep IV.

Isaac Bayley Balfour

Though the stated aim of the mission was to observe Venus, Balfour used the opportunity to investigate the local flora, and on his return, the fieldwork he had carried out permitted him to gain his doctorate.

Izumi Shimada

Two seasons (1973, 1975) of archaeological fieldwork at the Moche city of Pampa Grande (c. AD 600-750) on the northern coast of Peru led to his doctorate in anthropology from the University of Arizona in 1976.

James V. Neel

Of particular interest to Neel was an understanding of the human genome in an evolutionary light, a concept he addressed in his fieldwork with cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon among the Yanomamo in Brazil and Venezuela.

Jesup North Pacific Expedition

Waldemar Bogoras was an exiled Russian revolutionary; ethnographic and linguistic fieldwork with the Chukchi and Siberian Yupik peoples of the western side of the Bering Strait.

Joel Beinin

He has engaged in fieldwork to collect oral reports among many Egyptian Jewish communities dispersed throughout the world after the Suez War of 1956, among them the Karaites of San Francisco.

Julian A. Pitt-Rivers

He received his doctorate in 1953, which was derived from his fieldwork in Andalusia, Spain, that led to his publication of the classic anthropological text The People of the Sierra in 1954.


Gerhardt Laves (July 15, 1906 - March 14, 1993) a graduate student at the University of Chicago and Yale University doing fieldwork on Australian Aboriginal languages.

Lee Fitzgerald

Their fieldwork concentrates on the ecological factors affecting reptiles, most notably the Tupinambis lizard and the dunes sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus.

Lev Sternberg

Authorities sent him to the remote community of Viakhtu, 100 km north of Port Aleksandrovsk, where he first began his ethnographic fieldwork on the Nivkhs, Oroks, and Ainu.

Marius Barbeau

Beginning in December of that year, Barbeau carried out three months' fieldwork in Lax Kw'alaams (Port Simpson), British Columbia, the largest Tsimshian village in Canada, in collaboration with his interpreter, William Beynon, a Tsimshian hereditary chief.

Melville Jacobs

Melville Jacobs (July 3, 1902 - July 31, 1971) was an American anthropologist known for his extensive fieldwork on cultures of the Pacific Northwest.

Miriam Allen deFord

DeFord was also a passionate Fortean, a follower of Charles Fort, and did fieldwork for him.

Nils Holmer

Nils Holmer (1904–1994) was a Swedish linguist who carried out significant fieldwork into the Scottish Gaelic, in particular the southern dialects of Kintyre, Arran and Argyll and published several key books and articles on the topic.

Unusually, he carried out fieldwork across a wide range of languages across several continents, including Irish, Basque, Siouan languages, Algonquian languages, Iroquoian languages, the Central American language Kuna and the South American language of Choco and Wayuu and Australian Aboriginal languages.

Peter Bellwood

A fieldwork project in the northern Moluccas islands of eastern Indonesia, involving joint research with Indonesian scholars and Geoffrey Irwin of Auckland University yielded cave sequences covering the past 35,000 years, with very clear signals of an Austronesian presence commencing after 4000 BP.

Piers Vitebsky

Since the 1980s, Vitebsky has carried out fieldwork with the Evens of Siberia, and other peoples of India and Sri Lanka.

Real-time sociolinguistics

There had been ongoing linguistic fieldwork for over a decade from 1984 to 1995 in Springville, a rural Texas community with a majority African American and Hispanic population and a minority white population.

Richard Shweder

Shweder's main fieldwork outside the United States has been in the temple town of Bhubaneswar in the state of Orissa, India.

Robert I. Levy

Robert I. Levy (b 1924, d. 29 August 2003, Asolo, Veneto, Italy) was an American psychiatrist and anthropologist known for his fieldwork in Tahiti and Nepal and on the cross-cultural study of emotions.

Ruth Ann Musick

She felt that the Appalachian region surrounding the college was ripe for fieldwork in folklore, and the college in need of courses on folk literature.

Shamsi Badalbeyli

After graduating in 1932 and doing fieldwork in Moscow's Maly Theatre, he successfully directed Monsieur Jordan and Mastali the Dervish by Mirza Fatali Akhundov at the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre.

Siuslaw language

The documentation consists of a 12-page vocabulary by James Owen Dorsey, three months of fieldwork by Leo J. Frachtenberg in 1911 with a non-English-speaking native speaker and her Alsean husband (who spoke it as a second language), audio recordings of vocabulary by Morris Swadesh in 1953.

Southern Pomo language

Robert L. Oswalt, who wrote a grammar of the related Kashaya (Southwestern Pomo) language, began to collect Southern Pomo data approximately twenty years after Halpern's fieldwork.

T. G. H. James

Outside his museum work and individual research, James edited the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology for ten years and was active in the Egypt Exploration Society which organised British fieldwork expeditions in Egypt.

Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Fieldwork by Egyptologists in 2010 and 2011 into the remains of the former 12th dynasty building which was also used in the 13th dynasty led to the discovery of a large adjoining hall which proved to contain 41 sealings showing the cartouche of the Hyksos ruler Khyan together with 9 sealings naming the 13th dynasty king Sobekhotep IV.

see also