
3 unusual facts about finite field

Bose–Mesner algebra

The Kronecker power corresponds to the polynomial ring F\leftX\right first defined on a field \mathbb{F}, while the extension scheme corresponds to the extension field obtained as a quotient.

Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design

The elements of the Hadamard exponent matrix lie in the Galois field \mathit{GF(p)}, and its row vectors constitute the codewords of what shall be called a generalized Hadamard code.


It is easy to construct a class of hash functions when D is field.

Finite geometry

For finite projective spaces of geometric dimension at least three, Wedderburn's little theorem implies that the division ring over which the projective space is defined must be a finite field, GF(q), whose order (that is, number of elements) is q (a prime power).

see also

Block Wiedemann algorithm

The block Wiedemann algorithm for computing kernel vectors of a matrix over a finite field is a generalisation of an algorithm due to Don Coppersmith.

Corrado de Concini

University of Rome and in 1975 a Ph.D. from the University of Warwick under the supervision of George Lusztig (The mod-2 Cohomology of the orthogonal groups over a finite field).