Alexander Kaufmann (14 May 1817 – 1 May 1893) was a German poet and folklorist from Bonn.
She continued on at the University of Texas to pursue both her M.A. (1973) and her Ph.D. (1979) in Folklore (Folkloristics) within the graduate folklore program associated with the UT Department of Anthropology.
In 1895, Şăineanu completed work on one of his major contributions to folkloristics in general and the study of Romania folklore in particular: Basmele române în comparaţiune cu legendele antice clasice şi în legătură cu basmele popoarelor învecinate şi ale tuturor popoarelor romanice ("Romanian Fairy Tales as Compared to the Legends of Classical Antiquity and Those of All Romance Peoples").
In 1959, Hopkins was contacted by folklorist Mack McCormick who hoped to bring him to the attention of the broader musical audience which was caught up in the folk revival.
At the same time Rinzler was also a diligent folklorist who began helping American folk singers who were not at that time well known, including Bill Monroe, Doc Watson, Hazel Scott, and others.