
unusual facts about foreign aid

Steinar Bastesen

In 1998, Bastesen made a famous statement saying that the whale Keiko, known from the Free Willy films, should be killed and the meat sent to Africa as foreign aid.

see also

2005 Denver police officer shooting

As a result of this potential outcome, Colorado Representative Bob Beauprez introduced legislation before the United States House to cut foreign aid to countries that refused to extradite people suspected of murdering American law enforcement agents.

Andrew Hsia

Hsia resigned from his post in August 2009 after a cable was disclosed by a newspaper stating that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had instructed all of the ROC representative offices around the world to decline all forms of foreign aid in the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot.

Burmese Way to Socialism

Foreign aid organizations, like the American-based Ford Foundation and Asia Foundation, as well as the World Bank, were no longer allowed to operate in the country.

Hugh Scott

During his tenure in the House, Scott established himself as a strong internationalist after voting in favor of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941, foreign aid to Greece and Turkey, and the Marshall Plan.

Lenny Henry in Pieces

The second series introduced new characters including Blaxploitation Pope, who is Lucius T. Kool III, a ghetto brother and leader of the Catholic Church; President Umbukele, who is an expert in diplomacy and acquiring foreign aid, but then spends it all on silly things; bad influence Granddad; and a family of animated polar bears with Brummie accents, who live at Dudley zoo.

National Association of Arab-Americans

It opposed military occupation of Palestine, Lebanon and the Golan Heights and was involved in Arab-Israeli conflict issues, including Jerusalem, Middle East peace negotiations and regional security, as well as issues of democracy and human rights, the reconstruction of Lebanon and U.S. foreign aid.

Randal Teague

Randal Cornell Teague is the former chief of staff and legislative counsel to U.S. Representative Jack K. Kemp (R-NY) and chairman of the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The Bottom Billion

William Easterly, an influential American economist specialising in economic growth and foreign aid, critically assessed The Bottom Billion in The Lancet.

The Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership

Roy Prosterman is the founder of the Rural Development Institute (RDI) (which recently changed its name to Landesa) and is active in the fields of land reform, rural development and foreign aid.

William Easterly

In The Elusive Quest for Growth he analyzes the reasons why foreign aid to many third world countries has failed to produce sustainable growth.