
unusual facts about forewing


Adaina fuscahodias

The name refers to the close resemblance in genitalia with Adaina hodias and the striking darker area on the forewing.

Aglais ladakensis

Differs from Aglais kaschmirensis with the forewing termen convex and not falcate and not produced between veins 5 and 6.

Agrius godarti

It is similar to Agrius convolvuli, but there is slight sexual dimorphism (the forewing of the female is paler than that of the male), the lateral abdominal spots are buff (not pink) and the hindwing upperside pale bands are buff (not grey).


The forewings of Aphididae alates are dotted with 4 to 6 veins below the darkened spiracles.

Callionima juliane

It is very similar to Callionima falcifera but smaller and with a paler, more uniform, less contrasting forewing and hindwing upperside pattern.

Chamaepsichia rubrochroa

The forewing are similar to Chamaepsichia durranti, but the markings (including the blotch at the mid-costa) are atrophying.

Charaxes doubledayi

Very similar to Charaxes mycerina but antennae much darker, the blue scaling in the cell of the forewing denser and more extended, forewing with admarginal blue spots, band of hindwing of male not interrupted at R1.

Charaxes mycerina

Very similar to Charaxes doubledayi and similar to other members of the lycurgus group but forewing upperside without marginal marks.Hindwing with almost contiguous blue marginal lines.

Cinquefoil Skipper

It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the Carline Skipper (P.carlinae) as the two are known to interbreed where their ranges overlap in the Alps but can usually be recognised by the prominent squarish, rather than c-shaped, white spot near the costa of the forewing and the usually deeper red-brown underwings.

Colias nebulosa

Colias nebulosa is much darker than Colias sifanica ; the forewing without middle spot, but with light spot at the distal margin; the hindwing almost uniformly black, with large,conspicuous, light yellow middle spot, and light ray-like spots on the veins.

Colias regia

(26 d), from Southern Fergana, is magnificently golden red, with a very feeble violet sheen in the male and a stronger gloss in the female; the black marginal band not very broad, dusted with yellow, the middle spot of the forewing black, that of the hindwing red and inconspicuous.

Dahira nili

It is similar to Dahira taiwana but the forewing upperside has a stronger and more contrasting pattern of transverse lines, with diffuse pale yellow patches in the distal half, and in the orange colour of the hindwing upperside being restricted to a large central patch, surrounded by very dark brown on all sides.

Dahira svetsinjaevae

It is similar to Dahira obliquifascia but distinguishable by the almost uniform bright orange ground colour of the underside of the forewings and hindwings with poorly contrasting pale brown marginal bands and a strongly contrasting black forewing discal area.

Gnathothlibus fijiensis

It is similar to Gnathothlibus eras, Gnathothlibus saccoi and Gnathothlibus vanuatuensis but distinguishable by the distinctive olive green ground colour of the forewing upperside and the mauve outer edge to the tegula in the males.

Gonepteryx cleopatra

It is a sexually dimorphic species - the female has pale yellow or greenish wings, the male is darker yellow with an orange patch on the forewing.

Graphium tamerlana

The black band at the apex of the cell of the forewing reaches only to the median vein, not extending beyond it to the hind angle, being exactly as in Graphium alebion but in contradistinction to this insect the orange anal spot on the hindwing of is reduced to two small obscure dots.

Haemateulia barrigana

One form is very similar to Haemateulia haematitis, with a dark forewing with limited pattern elements.

Hemaris molli

It looks superficially like Hemaris fuciformis, although it lacks the dividing line of scales in the forewing cell.

Lygephila colorata

Adults differ from externally similar Lygephila amasina by the more elongated forewing with a pointed apex.

Macroglossum cadioui

It is very similar to Macroglossum caldum caldum, in that both species share bluish-white bands and lines on the forewing upperside.

Macroglossum tangalleum

The forewing upperside is very similar to Macroglossum napolovi in the uniform reddish-brown ground colour against which the pattern of transverse bands and lines is barely discernible.


Mesokristensenia differs from all extant Lepidoptera, but one genus, Agathiphaga (Agathiphagidae), in retaining four median veins in the forewing.


It is described from a well preserved forewing of the Fur Formation of the earliest Eocene (Early Ypresian) of Denmark.

Nephele densoi

The forewing upperside has bands that are more conspicuous than in similar Nephele oenopion oenopion and not edged with white.


The fossil was a single forewing recovered from the Lower Oligocene in Aix-en-Provence, France.

Papilio jacksoni

"Male as in ssp. echerioides, but black more sooty, median band narrower, reduced to very well separated spots in forewing,white with faint ochreous tinge. Female as in echerioides, but white apical spot does not touch the margin; white spots in hindwing in both sexes well inside margin."(Carcasson, 1960).

Protaleuron herbini

It is similar to Protaleuron rhodogaster, but distinguishable by the even forewing outer margin.

Silver Y

The Silver Y (Autographa gamma) is a migratory moth of the family Noctuidae which is named for the silvery Y-shaped mark on each of its forewings.

Temnora argyropeza

It is very similar to Temnora marginata marginata, but the forewing upperside is lacking the pale oblique line.

Temnora leighi

The forewing upperside is similar to Temnora fumosa fumosa, but the ground colour is pale grey, especially in the costal half of the wing.

Temnora peckoveri

The forewing upperside is very similar to Temnora fumosa fumosa, but the ground colour is darker brown so that the dark antemedian and postmedian bands are not as conspicuous.

Temnora probata

It is very similar to Temnora burdoni, but the forewing apex and tornus and hindwing tornus are more pronounced and the middle of the forewing outer margin is very convex.

Temnora rungwe

It is very similar to Temnora burdoni, but the antennae are slightly shorter and the forewing outer margin is more strongly excavated below the apex and above the tornus.

Temnora uluguru

It is very similar to Temnora burdoni, but the antennae are thicker, the forewing outer margin is less incised below the apex and the upperside ground colour is more uniformly brown-red.

Theretra hausmanni

The forewing upperside is similar to Theretra manilae but the area between the fifth and sixth postmedian lines is strongly divergent over the posterior half of the wing so that they are widely separated on the inner margin, the area between them largely filled with olive-green or brown, forming a wedge-shaped band similar to that in Hyles species.

Xylophanes eumedon

It is similar to Xylophanes aristor but smaller and the forewing pattern is much more contrasted.

Xylophanes guianensis

It is similar to Xylophanes ceratomioides, but the outer margin of the forewing margin is much more strongly scalloped and the dorsal lines of the abdomen are as in Xylophanes xylobotes.

Xylophanes josephinae

It is similar to Xylophanes damocrita but larger, the forewings are more elongate, making the outer margin appear almost straight, the hindwings are longer (the apex clearly exceeding the forewing tornus).

Xylophanes katharinae

It is intermediate in forewing shape between Xylophanes damocrita and Xylophanes josephinae, but distinguishable from both by the much broader pale orange median band on the hindwing upperside.

Xylophanes pearsoni

It is similar to Xylophanes libya, except for some differences in the pattern of the forewing and hindwing upperside.

Xylophanes porioni

The forewing upperside is similar in general appearance to that of Xylophanes rufescens, but the pattern of lines and spots is more contrasting.

Xylophanes rhodina

It is similar to Xylophanes godmani, but the outer margin of the forewing is entire and almost straight, the apex is less falcate and the tornus is less pronounced.

Xylophanes robinsonii

It is similar to Theretra monteironis and Xylophanes fosteri but smaller and the postmedian lines on the forewing upperside are better developed.

see also