
unusual facts about francophonie

1994 Jeux de la Francophonie

The 1994 Jeux de la Francophonie, also known as IIes Jeux de la Francophonie, (French for Francophone Games) were held in Paris/Évry-Bondoufle, France from July 5-13 1994.


Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique, the precursor to what is now the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie


The locals were apparently amazed to have been liberated by fellow francophones, expecting only English-speaking troops.

Order of the Pleiades

Order of La Pléiade – a 1976 created award of the Francophonie, an international organization that promotes the ties among all French-speaking nations.

Outline of Comoros

It has three official languages—Comorian (Shikomor), Arabic, and French, and it is the only state to be a member of each of the African Union, Francophonie, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Arab League, and Indian Ocean Commission, among other international organizations.

see also