Porky opens the freezer, but both are shocked when Daffy, dressed as Santa Claus, jumps out and starts singing "Jingle Bells".
Kersey knocks out Detective Reiner (who was awaiting inside Kersey's apartment), then pulls a M16 rifle, with an incorporated M203 grenade launcher, from a gun rack hidden behind his freezer.
1998, the author John Dufresne published a short story, "Freezer Jesus", which he later adapted as a screenplay.
Full Frys (Full Freezer) is a Swedish comedy TV-show, by comedy/musical duo Stefan & Krister.
Some of his better known mysteries include: Murder In St. Barts, featuring Gendarme Charles Trenet; and the Tony Kozol series which includes the titles: Still In The Freezer, Skulls Of Sedona (featuring the crystal skulls, Lost In Austin, The Body From Ipanema and Bum Rap In Branson (which featured real-life celebrity/entertainer Jim Stafford as well as the Kewpie dolls of Rose O'Neill).
Its retail products include video products comprising televisions as well as DVD recorders; home appliances, such as refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, freezers, washers, and dryers; and other products and services, including audio hardware, mattresses, computers, and other selected consumer electronics and accessories.