analog | Analog Science Fiction and Fact | functional analysis | Functional constituency | Analog Devices | Analog | structural analog | Functional magnetic resonance imaging | Analog signal | Digital-to-analog converter | functional programming | Analog-to-digital converter | Structural analog | Functional programming | functional magnetic resonance imaging | Functional discourse grammar | Functional analysis | Earth analog | Analog Worms Attack | analog signal | Analog recording | analog recording | Analog Display Services Interface | Analog computer | analog computer | Systemic functional grammar | Minkowski functional | Lexical functional grammar | Functional theories of grammar | functional theories of grammar |
Like other ACE inhibitors, it is a synthetic functional and structural analog of a peptide derived from the venom of the jararaca, a Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca).
Lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide (LA-SS-Az, LSZ) is an analog of LSD developed by the team led by David E. Nichols at Purdue University.