
unusual facts about functional programming

Constraint satisfaction

Constraints have also been embedded into functional programming languages.


(In continuation-passing style, call/cc becomes a simple function that can be written with lambda.) This is a particularly common strategy in Haskell, where it is easy to construct a "continuation-passing monad" (for example, the Cont monad and ContT monad transformer in the mtl library).

Higher-Order Perl

Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs (ISBN 1-55860-701-3), is a book about the Perl programming language written by Mark Jason Dominus with the goal to teach Perl programmers with a strong C and Unix background how to use techniques with roots in functional programming languages like Lisp that are available in Perl as well, but less known.


Research on Prograph started at Acadia University in 1982 as a general investigation into dataflow languages, stimulated by a seminar on functional languages conducted by Michael Levin.

see also

Algebraic Logic Functional programming language

Its foundation is Horn clause logic with equality which consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and functions and equations for functional programming.