
2 unusual facts about gentoo


Gentoo/FreeBSD, a port of Gentoo Linux to the FreeBSD kernel and userland


Gentoo/FreeBSD is a Unix-like operating system developed by Gentoo Linux developers in order to bring Gentoo Linux design, structure, and tools such as Portage and the Gentoo Linux base layout to the FreeBSD operating system.

Leopard seal

Larger leopard seals probably switch from krill to more substantial prey, including king, adelie, rockhopper, gentoo, emperor penguins and chinstraps, and less frequently, other seals, such as crabeater seal.

Lions Rump

Other birds nesting at the site in smaller numbers include Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguins, Southern Giant Petrels, Cape Petrels, Wilson's and Black-bellied Storm Petrels, Snowy Sheathbills, South Polar and Brown Skuas, Kelp Gulls and Antarctic Terns.


Thanks to third-party efforts, it is also available from the default repositories of a number of Linux distributions, including Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Mandriva, Arch and Ubuntu.

Tilly Kettle

He also painted non-portraits, including Dancing Girls (Blacks) in 1772 and a suttee scene in 1776 entitled, The ceremony of a gentoo woman taking leave of her relations and distributing her jewels prior to ascending the funeral pyre of her deceased husband. In 1770 Kettle painted a half-length portrait of 'Sir' Levett Hanson, a peripatetic writer on European knighthood and chivalry originally from Yorkshire.

see also