
unusual facts about glaciers

Adishi Glacier

The glacier feeds off of the runoff and ice flows from the adjacent glaciers that are located on the southern slopes of Tetnuldi, Gistola and Lakutsia.

Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve

Father Bernard R. Hubbard was a Jesuit priest and professor of geology at Santa Clara University in California, who had been exploring Alaska's volcanoes and glaciers every summer season since 1927 and writing about them in best-selling books and in publications such as National Geographic and the Saturday Evening Post.

Anthony W. England

England helped develop and use radars to probe the Moon on Apollo 17 and glaciers in Washington and Alaska.

Bauer Buttress

It was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee following geological work by the British Antarctic Survey, 1980–81, after Albert Bauer, French engineer and glaciologist who conducted research on glaciers in Iles Kerguelen, Adelie Coast, Greenland, and Iceland and was formerly with Expéditions Polaires Françaises.

Byrd Polar Research Center

Dr. Lonnie Thompson has led research expeditions to the glaciers atop Mount Kilimanjaro.

Calderone glacier

The discovery of a number of small glaciers in the Prokletije in 2009 seemed to threaten the primate of Calderone, at today's researches though, the Italian glacier still holds his primate.

Cathedral Group

At the base of the Cathedral Group, several glacial lakes can be found, including Jenny, Bradley and Taggart Lakes, all of which were formed when the glaciers of the last ice age retreated, leaving behind terminal moraines which acted as natural dams.


Many Bolivians on the Altiplano and in two of Bolivia's main cities — La Paz and El Alto — depend on the partial melting of Andean glaciers for their water supply during the dry season.

Cooke Glacier

It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names after Kirsten Cooke Healey, of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a computer graphics specialist from the mid-1990s onwards for the USGS project that is compiling the Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers and 25 Glaciological and Coastal-Change Maps of Antarctica.

Denali Highway

After crossing the Susitna River the road extends across the glaciers outwash plains to the Nenana River, and then down the Nenana River to Cantwell on the George Parks Highway (Alaska #3).

Echelmeyer Ice Stream

The name was changed from Ice Stream F by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in 2002 to honor Dr. Keith A. Echelmeyer of the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, who studied the flow of Marie Byrd Land ice streams, 1992–93 and 1994–95, as well as the fast flow of surging glaciers in Alaska and Greenland.

Eskdale, North Yorkshire

Formed during the last major ice age, it has a classic U-shaped valley formation caused by the action of glaciers carving away the rock.

Eugeniusz Romer

Next year, he traveled to Asia, and in 1913 to Alaska, to the Saint Elias Mountains (where one of glaciers has been named after him).

Geikie Ridge

It was first charted by the British Antarctic Expedition, 1898–1900, under Carsten Borchgrevink, who named the high land between these glaciers "Geikie Land", after Sir Archibald Geikie (for whom Geikie Glacier and Geikie Inlet were also named).

Geology of Andorra

Andorra was extensively glaciated during the Quaternary; glaciers flowed down all of the major valleys of Andorra, merging into one large glacier at Escaldes-Engordany, which in the coldest stage reached as far south as Pont de la Fontaneda near Santa Coloma.

Glacial landform

U-shaped valley: U-shaped valleys are created by mountain glaciers.

Glacial series

These valleys, created by glacial meltwaters, do not appear in the Alpine Foreland as they do, for example, in North Germany because their function was assumed by the great rivers that already existed in the region - the Danube, Rhine, Rhône and Po - or their tributaries, which transported away the meltwaters of the glaciers.

Glaciers of Bhutan

The study, conducted by the Universities of California and Potsdam and published in the journal Nature Geoscience, was based on 286 glaciers along the Himalaya and Hindu Kush from Bhutan to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Glaciers of Georgia

Western Georgia fetures a fairly well-developed glacial system, with numerous glaciers occurring anywhere from the source of the Bzyb River to the Mamison Pass.

Harding Icefield

The Exit Glacier, however, is the most accessible of the glaciers being reached by a spur road off of the Seward Highway.

History Lesson

The tribe is traveling toward the equator ahead of glaciers that are descending from the North Pole, but discovers, when they arrive in the last hospitable region of the planet, that glaciers from the South Pole have already almost reached them.

Holocene glacial retreat

The Ohio River largely supplanted the former Teays River drainage system, which was disrupted by the glaciers.

Hurricane Faith

Discharge from the Folgefonna, Fjærland, and Sunnfjord glaciers reached a record high due to the remnants of Faith.


The eastern route leads over glaciers and rocks and offers exposure (YDS grade 4).

Knife Point Glacier

Along with other glaciers in the Wind River Range, Knife Point Glacier's rapid retreat since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850 has exposed the remains of numerous specimens of the now believed to be extinct Rocky Mountain locust (Melanoplus spretus) and other related species.

Last Glacial Maximum

On the Island of Hawaii geologists have long recognized deposits formed by glaciers on Mauna Kea during recent ice ages.

Lhamo La-tso

Halfway along is a diamond-shaped pond fed by glaciers known as Yoni Lake.

Mauri S. Pelto

Mauri Pelto has been studying the glaciers in the North Cascades located in the U.S. state of Washington since 1984.


Melomane was invited to play in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia, in September 2006 by the US Embassy in Russia to support the Russian release of their third album Glaciers, on the Russian record label Soyuz Music.

Morainic drift

Morainic drift is the movement of rock debris (talus) (see also Moraine) left by glaciers.

Mustagh Pass

The route has been impassible to caravans since at least the middle of the 19th century due to the movement of the glaciers on it and, by 1861, when Godwin-Austen did his survey of the region, it was only in use by a few Baltis living in Yarkand who crossed it to visit their families.

Nooitgedacht Glacial Pavements

As the Dwyka glaciers moved, grinding their way southwards, the rocks and rubble that became embedded in their belly smoothed the underlying Andesite rock pavements and scoured out scratch marks, known as striations.

Rock glacier

Rock Glaciers may extend outward and downslope from talus cones, glaciers or terminal moraines of glaciers.

Salt for Svanetia

Svanetia and the mountain village of Ushguli are then located on two slowly dissolving maps of the region and are described as "cut off from civilization by mountains and glaciers".

Shaler Cliffs

In association with the names of glacial geologists grouped in this area, named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) after Nathaniel S. Shaler (1841-1906), American geologist, joint author with geographer William Morris Davis of Glaciers (Boston, 1881) and of papers on glacial geology, 1884-92.

St. Kliment Ohridski Base

St. Kliment Ohridski enjoys the exceptional advantage of several convenient overland routes leading from Bulgarian Beach to a variety of internal and coastal areas of Livingston Island including the Balkan Snowfield, Burdick Ridge and Pliska Ridge, Tangra Mountains and the glaciers Perunika, Huntress, Huron and Kaliakra, and Saedinenie Snowfield.


For the purpose of studying Storglaciären and nearby glaciers, Stockholm University operates the Tarfala research station in the Kebnekaise region of northern Sweden.

Taku Inlet

Norris, Taku, Hole-in–the-Wall, Twin and Tulsequah glaciers emerge out on the southeastern side and flow into the trench of the Taku Inlet and Taku River.

Topographic Atlas of Switzerland

It is interesting to compare the size of the Märjelensee and the extent of the glaciers with current data.

Triple Glaciers

The glaciers are disconnected from each other and occupy three separate cirques on the northwest face of Mount Moran and northeast of Thor Peak.

Tsaneri Glacier

Tsaneri consists of two branches that feed off of the adjacent glaciers that are located on the slopes of Mt. Tikhtengeni, Lalveri, Tetnuldi, and Gistola.

Whirlwind Glaciers

Discovered by Sir Hubert Wilkins on his flight of December 20, 1928, the glaciers were so named because their relative position was suggestive of the radial cylinders of his Wright Whirlwind engine.

Whirlwind Inlet

Wilkins reported four large glaciers flowing into the inlet, which he named Whirlwind Glaciers because their relative position was suggestive of the radial cylinders of his Wright Whirlwind engine.

Wildcat Mountain State Park

This is an area of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois that was not covered by glaciers in the Last Ice Age.

see also