
5 unusual facts about governor of California

Ceratitis capitata

In 1981, California Governor Jerry Brown, who had established a reputation as a strong environmentalist, was confronted with a serious medfly infestation in the San Francisco Bay Area.

East Sacramento, Sacramento, California

President Ronald Reagan lived at 1341 45th Street while serving most of his term as Governor of California.

Gubernatorial portrait of Jerry Brown

The painting commemorated American politician Jerry Brown's two terms as Governor of California from 1975 to 1983 and has remained controversial since its unveiling.

Kristin Smart Campus Security Act

The bill was written and sponsored by Democratic state Senator Mike Thompson, and was approved 61-0 in the California Legislature and signed into law by then-Governor Pete Wilson on August 19, 1998.

Sutter Brown

Sutter Brown (born September 24, 2003) is the pet dog of the Brown family, First Family of the State of California, Governor Jerry Brown and First Lady, Anne Gust Brown.

2005 La Conchita landslide

In March 2006, Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, allocated $667,000 for a scientific study to determine control measures to be taken to prevent future landslides.

2010 Pepsi Max 400

Next, Kenny Loggins performed the national anthem, and Meg Whitman, Republican candidate for Governor of California, gave the command for drivers to start their engines.

Al Checchi

Alfred Attilio Checchi (June 6, 1948) is an American politician who was a candidate for Governor of California in the 1998 gubernatorial election, losing to fellow Democrat Gray Davis in the June 1998 primary.

An American Life

The book is composed of 748 pages, describing Reagan's life from his birth in Tampico, Illinois, to his acting career, marriages, entrance into politics, years as Governor of California, loss in the 1976 Republican primary, and finally his years as President of the United States.

Annie Bidwell

While Annie and John Bidwell resided in the mansion, they were hosts to many prominent figures of their era, including: President Rutherford B. Hayes, General William T. Sherman, Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, Governor Leland Stanford, John Muir, and Asa Gray.

Barry Goldwater, Jr.

Schwarzenegger went on to win the 2003 recall election to replace Gray Davis as Governor of California.

Bill Stall

After ten years of unsuccessful efforts to pass such a bill, the proposal passed in the legislature and was signed into law by Governor Gray Davis, making California the first state in the Western United States to enact such a law.

CALFED Bay-Delta Program

The coordination program was created in 1994 by Governor Pete Wilson and federal Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt following a decade of chaotic disputes between the state of California, the federal government, environmental groups, agricultural interests, and municipal water services.

California High-Speed Rail Authority

The authority is composed of nine members including five members appointed by the Governor, two members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and two members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly.

Camarillo State Mental Hospital

Pete Wilson, then-governor of California, announced in January 1996 plans to close down the hospital by July 1997, citing low patient numbers and rising costs per patient.

Chuck Reed

On October 11, 2007 at a meeting with more than 100 Silcon Valley CEOs, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger referred to Reed as the "Green Mayor" because of Reed's environmental priorities.

Donn Moomaw

During this time, he became friends with California Governor Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy; Moomaw later gave the invocation and benediction at Reagan's 1981 presidential inauguration.

Itata Incident

The Harrison Administration appointed William Howard Taft, the US Solicitor General (and later U.S. President), and Los Angeles-based federal prosecutor Henry Gage (later Governor of California), to investigate the Itata and prosecute its crew and suppliers.

Jackalyne Pfannenstiel

On April 20, 2004, Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Pfannenstiel to a four-year term as a member of the California Energy Commission, a board with responsibility for power plant licensing, building and appliance efficiency standards, and energy policy development.

John Bidwell

Some of the guests who visited Bidwell Mansion were President Rutherford B. Hayes, General William T. Sherman, Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, Governor Leland Stanford, John Muir, Joseph Dalton Hooker and Asa Gray.

John Franklin Swift

In 1886, he ran for Governor of California, but lost to Democrat Washington Montgomery Bartlett.

Lala Hasanova

In 2007, Hasanova's next science-fiction novel Collision, devoted to the Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Leo T. McCarthy

McCarthy was first elected to statewide office to the first of three consecutive four-year terms as lieutenant governor of California in 1982, at the same time that Republican George Deukmejian was elected governor.

Mariposa Battalion

After a force under Mariposa County Sheriff James Burney was found unequal to the task of defeating the Indians, Burney made an appeal to Governor John McDougal for help.

Midge Costanza

Governor of California Gray Davis appointed Costanza as a liaison for women's groups and issues.

Otis D. Wright II

On October 28, 2005, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he would be appointing Wright to serve as a judge on the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Robert H. Tourtelot

Tourtelot was first appointed to the CHRB by the Governor of California in October 1993, and was reappoined to the Board by Governor Pete Wilson in July 2001.

Ronald E. Albers

Albers was selected on June 11, 2009 to serve on the San Francisco County Superior Court by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ronald M. Whyte

In 1989, Governor George Deukmejian appointed him a Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge.

Securities turnover excise tax

In 1934, muckraking journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair ran for Governor of California on the End Poverty in California plan.


In 1994, William Safire described its usage by California governor Pete Wilson's immigration strategy, exemplified by Proposition 187, which prevented illegal aliens from using a variety of state social services.


The event involved the first SpaceShipTwo being christened by then-Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger as the VSS Enterprise.

Tom Harman

Upon graduating from Loyola, Harman joined the Long Beach law firm of Lucas & Deukmejian, whose partners were future California Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas and future Governor George Deukmejian.

Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan

It is written in the style of a scientific paper and catalogues an apocryphal series of bizarre experiments intended to measure the psychosexual appeal of Ronald Reagan, who was then the Governor of California and candidate for the 1968 Republican presidential nomination.

see also

Beyond Chutzpah

At one point, Dershowitz called on the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to intervene on his behalf, to stop the book from being published, but the Governor refused.

California Military Department

The California Naval Militia was reactivated in 1976 by the Governor of California.

Cary W. Hartman

While president, he helped to bring honey consumption to the forefront of the California economy, encouraging the governor of California, William Stephens, to recognize "Honey Week" (February 6–11, 1922) as a promotion for apiarists in the state.

David Sams

In 2003, Sams ran for governor of California in the historical gubernatorial recall election.

Deetjen's Big Sur Inn

Henry Huntly Haight was the 10th Governor of California, and many places in San Francisco were named for this family.

Edmund Brown

Jerry Brown (Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr., born 1938), Pat Brown's son and the 34th and 39th Governor of California

Pat Brown (Edmund Gerald Brown, Sr., 1905–1996), the 32nd Governor of California

Enfield Automotive

Then Governor of California Ronald Reagan sent a cargo plane to have three E8000ECCs moved to California in support of his Clean Air legislation.

Frederick Houser

Frederick F. Houser (1905–1989), Lieutenant Governor of California, 1943–1947

Henry D. Cooke

He was the first to announce to the authorities at Washington, through a despatch from the military governor of California, the discovery of gold in the Sacramento valley.

Moses A. Luce

Gordon Luce served under Ronald Reagan, first as a member of his cabinet when Reagan was Governor of California, and subsequently as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1988–90).

Olga Rodriguez

As Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Los Angeles in 1973 and governor of California in 1974, Rodriguez used her campaigns to support and publicize the struggle of working people, including the battles of the United Farm Workers union.

Pardee Dam

Both the dam and its reservoir are named for George Pardee, a prominent Progressive Era politician in the Bay Area who also served as Governor of California.

Paul Fericano

Published by Second Coming Press and funded by a grant from the California Arts Council, lawmakers used this as a reason for denying Jane Fonda's appointment at the time to the California Arts Council by Jerry Brown during his first turn as governor of California.


Bridging the Political Divide - that the concept of post-partisanship was studied, explained and celebrated by two modern politicians: Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (a former Democrat, later re-elected as a Republican in 2005).


Edwin Reinecke (1924 - ), former Lieutenant Governor of California

Steve Stephens

Steve went on the produce other TV programs for KTHV, including "Eye On Arkansas," which showcased such celebrities as Liberace, Ronald Reagan (before he was Governor of California and later President), Roy Rogers, the cast of the popular TV programs, "The Beverly Hillbillies," and "Ponderosa," Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and many other notables.

Tom Ammiano

In October 2009 Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Governor of California appeared at a Democratic Party fundraiser at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel.

World Brotherhood Colonies

Dignitaries included California's Lieutenant Governor Goodwin Knight, who later became Governor of California.