An exposé on growing corruption published by muckraking journalist Horacio Verbitsky led to the resignation of Menem's chief strategist, Interior Minister José Luis Manzano, and to that of a key ally, Buenos Aires Mayor Carlos Grosso.
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle sits among the canon of both Chicago literature and US labor history for its muckraking-style depiction of the desolation experienced by Lithuanian immigrants working in the Union Stockyards on Chicago's Southwest Side.
In 1904, his name appeared in The Shame of the Cities, a muckraking exposé by Lincoln Steffens which gave details of Wainwright's shady dealings and other public corruption within the United States.
He furnished information for Lincoln Steffens' muckraking article, "Rhode Island: A State for Sale," published in 1905 in McClure's.
Muckraking novels such as W. C. Morrow's Blood-Money (1882) and Charles Cyril Post's Driven from Sea to Sea; or, Just A' Campin (1884) exaggerate the fault of the railroad for the events as they unfolded in San Joaquin and romanticize the ranchers according to a Jeffersonian agrarian ideal.
As a "muckraking" investigative journalist and media analyst, Nobile has generated controversy by his criticisms of a variety of public figures, including talk radio host Don Imus, historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough, and President Harry S. Truman.
In 1934, muckraking journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair ran for Governor of California on the End Poverty in California plan.