Old World warbler | Grasshopper | Cetti's Warbler | Warbler | Grasshopper Club Zürich | Wood Warbler | warbler | New World warbler | grasshopper | Subalpine Warbler | Great Reed Warbler | Garden Warbler | Sedge Warbler | golden-cheeked warbler | Cerulean Warbler | wood warbler | Wilson's Warbler | Willow Warbler | willow warbler | Whistler's Warbler | Typical warbler | Swainson's Warbler | Seychelles Warbler | sedge warbler | Rubeho Warbler | River Warbler | Prothonotary Warbler | prothonotary warbler | Orphean Warbler | Orange-crowned Warbler |
The scrub along the reserve fringe supports several summer migrants including whitethroats, sedge warblers, and the grasshopper warbler.