
unusual facts about halibut

Golf-class submarine

After Halibut discovered a sunken Soviet submarine containing at least one intact ballistic missile complete with nuclear warhead, Melvin Laird, United States Secretary of Defense under President Richard Nixon, approved Azorian.

Ignatius J. Galantin

He took part in the Battle of Leyte Gulf as Commanding Officer of Halibut, and sank a large Japanese warship off Cape Engamo, P.I.

International Pacific Halibut Commission

The International Pacific Halibut Commission is an International Fisheries Organization, having Canada and the United States of America as its members, responsible for the management of stocks of Pacific halibut or Hippoglossus stenolepis within the Pacific waters of its member states.

King Cove, Alaska

King Crab, bairdi and opilio tanner crab, pollock, cod, salmon, halibut and black cod harvested in both the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska are processed throughout the year.

Loren Leman

He longlined for halibut in Cook Inlet and harvested herring roe on kelp in Prince William Sound.

Midwater trawling

Midwater trawling catches pelagic fish such as anchovies, shrimp, tuna and mackerel, whereas bottom trawling targets both bottom living fish (groundfish) and semi-pelagic fish such as: cod, squid, halibut and rockfish.

Tlingit cuisine

Halibut were eaten frequently, as were herring and lingcod.


Nowadays, fish such as eel, pike, carp and bass are used, though other fish such as cod, monkfish, or halibut can be used.

see also