25CN-NBOH (or NBOH-2C-CN) is a compound indirectly derived from the phenethylamine series of hallucinogens, which was discovered in 2011 by Martin Hansen at the University of Copenhagen.
25I-NBMD (NBMD-2C-I, Cimbi-29) is a derivative of the phenethylamine hallucinogen 2C-I, discovered in 2006 by a team at Purdue University led by David Nichols.
2CBCB-NBOMe (NBOMe-TCB-2) is a compound indirectly derived from the phenethylamine series of hallucinogens, which was discovered in 2007 at Purdue University as part of the ongoing research program of the team led by David Nichols focusing on the mapping of the specific amino acid residues responsible for ligand binding to the receptor.
Fitzgerald and Siournis reported in the Australian Journal of Chemistry (1965, volume 18, pp. 433–4) that a sample of the bark contained 0.36% of the hallucinogen DMT as well as 0.24% of N-methyltryptamine.
Through a series of exaggerating and dramatizing citations, especially by Victor A. Reko in the first half of the last century, the plant became known as a hallucinogen despite that psychoactive properties of the plant have never been demonstrated.
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross argued that Jesus in the Gospels was in fact a code for a type of hallucinogen, the Amanita muscaria, and that Christianity was the product of an ancient "sex-and-mushroom" cult.
Hoffer and Humphry Osmond, who developed the hypothesis that schizophrenia is caused by the endogenous production of an epinephrine (adrenaline) based hallucinogen, were called before the Committee of Ethics of the American Psychiatric Association to explain why they were publicizing a treatment, called xenobiotic psychiatry by Bernard Rimland, which was considered outside of standard psychiatric practice.
Juncosamine is an analog of the hallucinogenic N-benzylphenethylamine 25B-NBOMe and was discovered in 2011 by Jose Juncosa in the group of David E. Nichols at Purdue University.
Ali argues he had taken Cathine inadvertently after contracting a cold in China, but widespread use of hallucinogen drug Khat is known among the Yemeni American community.
TCB-2 is a hallucinogen, discovered in 2006 by Thomas McLean, working in the lab of Prof. David Nichols at Purdue University where it was named 2C-BCB.