During his shows, Harry Houdini was frequently secured with multiple pairs of handcuffs.
Dennis, the product of a fling between Paula Rickman and Den Watts (Leslie Grantham) in 1974, makes his first appearance is in handcuffs, as he is on day release from prison to attend his mother's funeral.
When Diego leaves the apartment, he finds Elizabeth Webber standing outside and drugs her, kidnaps her, and handcuffs her in the back seat of his car.
Within minutes, Doheny was escorted in handcuffs from the locker room and driven to Danvers Asylum for the Criminally Insane in Danvers, Massachusetts.
Hyattsville City police officers are currently issued a Beretta PX4 Storm .40 caliber pistol, X26 Taser, ASP collapsible baton, OC spray, handcuffs, and portable radio.
When Inspector Zenagata shows up and put the handcuffs on Lupin but he escape with a fake hand.
All officers are issued Glock 22 40 Cal. side arm, expandable baton, handcuffs, bulletproof vest, pepper spray and portable radio linked to a central dispatch.
The officers in this unit equipped with handcuffs, a straight baton, whistle, flashlight, reflective traffic vest, and a police radio that is directly linked to the Central Dispatcher, other Auxiliary Police officers, and Highway Patrolman.
The officers are unarmed, but are equipped with a baton, can of pepper spray, handcuffs, whistle, flashlight, reflective traffic vest, bullet resistant vest, and a radio that is directly linked to the Central Dispatcher and other officers.
After the verdicts are read by courtroom clerk Sandra Jeter 11:00 pm local time (0600 GMT), Clark County District Court Judge Jackie Glass denies Simpson's bail petition and he is removed in handcuffs, facing life imprisonment.
Having locked Hämsterviel in handcuffs, Lilo, Stitch and Sparky short-circuit Gantu's ship causing it to crash near a waterfall on Kauai.