Among wintering species are: Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis L., Eurasian sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus L., Eurasian black grouse Lyrurus tetrix L., western capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L., hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia L., grey partridge Perdix perdix L., long-eared owl Asio otus L., Tengmalm’s owl Aegolus funereus L., little owl Athene noctua Scop.
Also Siberian Flying Squirrels, Eurasian Three-toed Woodpeckers, Hazel Grouses, Bank Voles, Eurasian lynxes and Brown Bears are hiding in the spruce forests of Vaarunvuoret.
Hazel | Hazel (TV series) | Sister Hazel | Black Grouse | Hazel McCallion | Grouse | Hazel Rose Markus | hazel | ruffed grouse | Philip Hazel | Hazel Grouse | Hazel Blears | Grouse Mountain | The Hazel Scott Show | Hurricane Hazel | Hazel Scott | Hazel O'Connor | Hazel Grove High School | hazel grouse | Hazel Dickens | Hazel Dawn | Hazel Clark | Hazel Carby | Hazel Beard | grouse | Sharp-tailed Grouse | sharp-tailed grouse | Ruffed Grouse | Phillip Hazel | Nancy Hazel |
The book gave instructions for elaborate dishes like suckling pig, Madeira cake, and hazel grouse.