Controlled under the hegemonic leadership of Renato Vallanzasca, often was at odds with the band of Francis Turatello active throughout Milan and head of many trades.
Robert Gilpin and Stephen Krasner are advocates of the realist tradition, which emphasises the hegemonic system.
Yet from the time of European conquest, epidemics and periods of forced work (in addition to the influence of the hegemonic Spanish language), fewer than 150 can be counted today.
In the post-communism world of the 21st-century, the French Socialist politician Hubert Védrine describes the USA as a hegemonic hyperpower, while the U.S. political scientists John Mearsheimer and Joseph Nye counter that the USA is not a “true” hegemony, because it does not have the resources to impose a proper, formal, global rule; despite its political and military strength, the USA is economically equal to Europe, thus, cannot rule the international stage.