
unusual facts about heteronormativity


Critics of heteronormative attitudes, such as Cathy J. Cohen, Michael Warner, and Lauren Berlant argue that they are oppressive, stigmatizing, marginalizing of perceived deviant forms of sexuality and gender, and make self-expression more difficult when that expression does not conform to the norm.

Campaign Against Homophobia

Campaign Against Homophobia (original name: Kampania Przeciw Homofobii, abbreviation: KPH) is a Polish LGBT organisation, which aims to promote legal and social equality for people outside the heteronorm.

Guy Baldwin

Guy Baldwin, M.S. (b. 1946) is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist,author, activist, and educator specializing in issues of particular relevance to the BDSM and leather communities, and more generally in issues relating to non-heteronormative practices.

see also