
unusual facts about hexameter


Dionysius Periegetes

Dionysius Periegetes (Διονύσιος ὁ Περιηγητής, literally Dionysius the Voyager or Traveller, often Latinized to Dionysius Periegeta) was the author of a description of the then-known world in Greek hexameter verse.


Frithegod served Oda as one of the teachers of Oda's nephew Oswald of Worcester, but he is generally known for his Latin poem Breviloquium Vitae Wilfridi, a hexameter work based on Stephen of Ripon's prose Life of St Wilfrid.


The Catholic Encyclopedia describes it as "doggerel hexameters", and mentions two theories: that the poem was written by Commodian; and that Adversus Omnes Haereses was written by Victorinus of Pettau.

Robert Browning

-- The inscription may be a verse from the original rewritten as a hexameter, unless that was just in The Browning Version. -->

see also