
unusual facts about honorary professor

Götz Adriani

Since 1985, Adriani holds the title of an honorary professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.

see also

Achille Vertunni

Later in life, he was named cavaliere della Corona d'Italia, and honorary professor of the Instituto di Belle Arti of Naples and of the Brera Academy of Milan.

Adlai Stevenson III

Stevenson has been honored by the government of Japan with the Order of the Sacred Treasure, and is an Honorary Professor of Renmin University in China.

Albert Mosse

He was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Königsberg in 1903 and, during the following year, became honorary professor there for Civil procedural law and Commercial law.

Alvin A. Lee

He received honorary doctorates from Victoria University in the University of Toronto, and from McMaster University, and was made an honorary professor at Beijing University, the University of Science and Technology Beijing, and Heilongjiang University.

Betty Wei

She is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre of Asian Studies at the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor at the Institute of Qing History, Renmin University of China and a member of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch.

Colin H. Williams

He is an Honorary Professor of Celtic Studies at the University of Aberdeen, and at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, University of the Highlands and Islands.

David B. Audretsch

He also holds the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and is director of the Institute for Development Strategies at Indiana University and a research fellow at the CEPR, London as well as an honorary professor at WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany.

David Weisburd

These include a Visiting Professorship Appointment at the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance at Griffiths University in Brisbane, Australia in 2004, Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge in 2007, and Honorary Professor at the Zehjiang Police College in Hangzhou, China in 2011.

Davor Džalto

As a visiting and honorary professor he has thought at various Universities in Europe and the US, including University of Prague, Indiana University, Fordham University of New York and the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

Francesco Netti

He was knighted in the Order of the Crown of Italy, and in 1868, he was awarded the Order of Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro; and finally in 1876, became honorary professor at the Institute of Fine Arts of Naples.

Gediminas Motuza

He is currently professor in the Faculty of the Natural Sciences at Vilnius University and honorary professor of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Guanyuan Jin

Currently, besides operating a busy private practice at Milwaukee, Dr. Jin holds many titles and honors including Honorary Professor (of TCM) at Guangzhou University, PRC, and the president of International Institute of Holistic Medicine, USA.

H. Eugene Stanley

Honorary Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Pavia (Pavia, Italy), and at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary).

Hans Rosenberg

He retired in 1972, and returned for personal reasons to Germany in 1977, settling in Kirchzarten near the University of Freiburg, where he had been appointed Honorary Professor the year before.

Hans Rudolf Herren

Dr Herren was awarded an honorary professor title (Prof. h.c.) from Hubei University, Wuhan, PRC in 2004 and received an honorary doctorate (Doctor es Science Honoris Causa) from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

Helmar Frank

Frank taught as a guest or honorary professor at the Technische Universität Berlin and the universities of Guangzhou, Nitra, Prague, Rosario, and Sibiu.

Imrich Chlamtac

Chlamtac holds several honorary appointments including the Bruno Kessler Honorary Professor, University of Trento, Italy, the Sackler Professorship at Tel Aviv University, Honorary Professorship at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the "University Professorship" at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary, a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Honorary Membership of the BUTE Senate.

Jacob Geel

In 1823 he was appointed as a librarian, and in 1833 as university librarian and honorary professor at Leiden University, where he remained until his death.

Kurt Rudolf Fischer

From 1967 to 1980 he was Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in Millersville, Pennsylvania), since 1979 he has been honorary professor at the University of Vienna.

Leslie Jaeger

He was an Honorary Professor of Civil Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai and Honorary President of the Usman Institute of Technology, Karachi.

Marc Galanter

He is an honorary professor of the National Law School of India, served as advisor to the Ford Foundation on legal services and human rights programs in India, and was retained as an expert by the government of India in the litigation arising from the Bhopal disaster.

Martin Winterkorn

Since June 2003, Winterkorn served as an Honorary Professor of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in recognition of his service to the promotion of research at the establishment.

Oscar Gonzalez-Perez

Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, M.D., Ph.D, is a Professor of Neuroscience in the School of Psychology at the University of Colima, Mexico, an honorary professor of Neuroscience in the Doctorado en Ciencias Biomedicas at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, and an invited professor of Neuroscience and Cellular Medicine in the Brain Tumor Stem Cell Laboratory of Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Otto Suhr

Suhr lectured as an honorary professor at the Free University of Berlin (FU) and re-established the private Deutsche Hochschule für Politik academy, the biggest and one of the most important institute for political science in Germany, which he led from 1948 to 1955.

P. C. Shastri

Later he continued at the Nanavati hospital in Andheri and the Indian Armed forces Medical Services, (INHS Ashwini) as an Honorary Professor in Psychiatry in 2004 till date.

Paul McMenamin

In 2007, he was an Honorary Professor at the Lions Eye Institute’s Centre for Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, and in 2008 spent his sabbatical year at the Institute.

Raffaele Spanò

He was knighted into the Order of the Crown of Italy, Corresponding Associate of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, member of the Royal Academy Raffaello in Urbino, honorary professor of the Royal Institute of Fine Arts in Naples, and member of the Director's Council of this Institute.

Richard Assmann

From 1905 to 1914 he was director of the Prussian Royal Aeronautical Observatory at Lindenberg, and afterwards was an honorary professor at the University of Giessen.

Roddam Narasimha

He is presently an Honorary Professor at JNCASR and concurrently holds the Pratt & Whitney Chair in Science and Engineering at the University of Hyderabad.

Ronald St. John Macdonald

He was the first Westerner appointed as Honorary Professor of Law at China's Peking University.

Sajal K. Das

Dr. Das is also an E.T.S. Walton Professor of Science Foundation of Ireland, a Visiting Professor of IIT at Kanpur and IIT Guwahati, an Honorary Professor of Fudan University in Shanghai, an International Advisory Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, China, and a Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore.

Shuntarō Itō

Ito is an honorary professor of University of Tokyo and International Research Center for Japanese Studies, and a professor of Reitaku University, and the Chairman of Japan Seaology Promotion Organization.

Simon White

White is also Research Professor at the University of Arizona (1992), Guest Professor at the University of Durham (1995) Honorary Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich (1994) and at the Astronomical Observatories of Shanghai (SHAO) (1999) and Beijing (BAO) (2001).

Stefan Buczacki

Buczacki is a Fellow of the Society of Biology, a Chartered Biologist, a founder Fellow of the Institute of Horticulture, a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, and Honorary Professor of Plant Pathology at Liverpool John Moores University.

Syed Zahoor Qasim

Qasim is an Honorary Professor of many universities, including Aligarh Muslim University, Madurai Kamaraj University, Anna Malai University, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, and Jamia Millia Islamia.

Vincenzo Petrocelli

Petrocelli was named honorary professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy and corresponding associate of many Academies of Fine Arts.

Werner Jaffé

During the fifty years that he taught at the college level, he also published over 200 academic publications and was named honorary professor at the Simón Bolívar University.