It was successful and spread to other cities, including Ferrara, Florence, Bologna, Lucca, Arezzo, Ancona, Assisi and Naples, but it failed to establish itself permanently because of the indifference of the Left and the hostility of the Christian Democratic Party.
Dologuélé was not a member of the ruling Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People (MLPC) and he faced hostility from the MPLC; on 1 April 2001, he was dismissed by President Ange-Félix Patassé and replaced by Martin Ziguélé.
Anti-German sentiment suspicion or hostility towards Germany or the German people
In 1638, the king summoned him, together with Traquair and Roxburgh, to London, but he refused to be won over, warned Charles against his despotic ecclesiastical policy, and showed great hostility towards William Laud.
The growing hostility of the Lakota to white encroachment further north had forced the temporary relocation of the Emigrant Trail from the North Platte River to the South Platte valley.
During the Civil War, General Ambrose Burnside, head of the Department of the Ohio, suppressed the paper in 1863 because of its hostility to the Union cause, but Lincoln lifted the ban when he received word of it.
This was a difficult frontier posting, subject to hostility from the English and risings from the displaced MacQuillin's, and upon offering to the youngest brother Sorley Boy MacDonnell, he accepted.
The proceeding caused him trouble and expense, and deepened his hostility to the party of William Laud.
John, Archbishop of Riga, brought several objections before the council, but in general the German delegates aroused hostility and were compelled to flee the city.
In 2007, as Interior Minister, Tourné oversaw security for the visit to Uruguay of US President George W. Bush, to whom a significant hostility among many of Ms. Tourné's Frente Amplio colleagues, raised in a tradition which magnifies Che Guevara and his Cuban fellow revolutionaries, was widely noted.
To the south he defeated the Maccabean king Alexander Jannaeus in battle, following an assistance request of Jewish rebels, but the hostility of the local Jewish population forced him to withdraw.
Sharing Merezhlovskys' hostility towards Bolshevist Russia, in December 1919 he fled the country but refused to follow the couple down to Paris.
After the king's death Nicholas remained on the continent concerting measures on behalf of the exiled Charles II with Hyde and other royalists, but the hostility of Queen Henrietta Maria deprived him of any real influence in the counsels of the young sovereign.
Anti-Europeanism, hostility or opposition among non-Europeans against European governments, politics, and culture.
He was criticised for embellishing the facts in the interests of the narrative, and was met with hostility by General Sir Thomas Blamey for his "irregular methods and indiscreet utterances" during WWII.
He expects hostility from those who fear that a skeptical analysis of freedom will undermine people's belief in the reality of moral considerations; he likens himself to an interfering crow who insists on telling Dumbo he doesn't really need the feather he believes is allowing him to fly.
By the time they released their second EP, Prophet of Hostility, on Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta's Stillborn Records, White was replaced by new vocalist Ray Mazzola.
He does not age, but has a sense of becoming "thin and stretched." Toward the end of his possession of the Ring, Bilbo begins to show some of the obsessive tendencies of Gollum — calling the Ring "my precious," and showing flashes of dark hostility when asked by Gandalf to give the Ring to his heir, Frodo.
His principal work is entitled: Diplomatische Verhandlungen aus der Zeit der französischen Revolution (Diplomatic negotiations at the time of the French Revolution) in three volumes (1869–79), of which the first treats of the hostility of Austria and Prussia to the Revolution down to the Treaty of Campo Formio, while the second and third deal with the Congress of Rastatt and the Second Coalition.
These reports were met with hostility by the political establishment; on 4 July 2007 Taoiseach Bertie Ahern stated at a conference in Donegal that he did not understand why people sitting on the sidelines, "cribbing and moaning" about the economy, did not commit suicide.
Ndroqi's support of Qemali invoked the hostility of Essad Pasha Toptani, who in order to decrease Ndroqi's influence, arranged for him to be reappointed as mufti of Shijak in 1913 and Kavajë in 1914.
During the American Civil War, however, the Thornton family was pro-Union, which created local hostility.
She was educated at Bedales School, where she became Head Girl, and studied medicine at University College, London from 1918, later moving to Charing Cross Hospital due to the hostility to female students she experienced at UCL.
This book, together with his insistence on points of ritual in his cathedral church and his friendship with William Laud, exposed Cosin to the hostility of the Puritans; and the book was criticised by William Prynne and Henry Burton.
His political views were marked by hostility toward Reform and Conservative Judaism (Sherman, 1996).
"The government's hostility to the camps was profound, visceral...A large proportion of those who had taken shelter within Zone Turquoise were seen by the government as perpetrators of the genocide", in the words of the former director of the United Nations Rwanda Emergency Office (UNREO), and the RPF was contemptuous of the inadequate programs proposed by the UN bureaucracy.
In the frame of the hostility between the Holy See and the kingdom of Sardinia (later Kingdom of Italy), Nazari di Calabiana was considered to be on conciliatory positions, while the previous archbishop Ballerini, who during Nazari's reign resided in Seregno near Milan, remained a fierce opponent of the Reign.
Hostility towards migrants has also been extended against journalists, clergymen and lawyers who advocate their rights, like Katrine Camilleri, 2007 Nansen Refugee Award winner, whose car and house door was burned.
"Type A personalities who succeed do so in spite of their impatience and hostility," he said, listing among the more notable Type Bs Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.
Under Indira Gandhi, India had been highly critical of Israel's policy in Palestine, and public hostility persisted after her death in 1984.
The opposition is so much so that even the Yihewani Chinese sect, which is fundamentalist and was founded by Ma Wanfu who was originally inspired by the Wahhabis, reacted with hostility to Ma Debao and Ma Zhengqing, who attempted to introduce Wahhabism/Salafism as the main form of Islam.
After about five years residence he left without taking a degree, travelled abroad, and in Switzerland imbibed or strengthened those religious principles and that hostility to the Laudian church which were to be the chief motive in his future political career.
There followed much legal wrangling and hostility concerning access agreements to Chester railway station; but this did not prevent the line becoming part of the G.W.R. main line to Birkenhead.
The entry of the United States into World War I was followed by hostility toward all things German, which extended to a town that bore the name of Germany's capital.
In 1998, he was replaced by Nicholas Assheton, becoming Treasurer Emeritus, but resisted his replacement and evinced hostility to Assheton and Sir Alastair Aird, the Queen Mother's Private Secretary.
The delay in raising him to the peerage was due to the hostility of George II, who resented Henley's former support of the Prince of Wales's faction, known as the Leicester House party; and it was in order that he might preside as Lord High Steward at the trial of the Earl Ferrers for murder in 1760 that he then received his patent.
Samuel attracted the hostility of the virulent anti-reformist, William Foster, from the village of Copdock near Ipswich, a Justice of the Peace, who is described as 'a steward and keeper of the courts.'
De Bussy was too well aware of his hostility to trust him with the office of prime minister but thought it expedient to disarm his opposition by appointing him governor of the province of Hyderabad.
SOLS remained famous for its hostility to Trotskyism and its members were key to recovering control of the National Organisation of Labour Students, NOLS, from the Militant tendency in 1975 and the following year SOLS members took the famous "icepick express" (a bus with an icepick - the weapon used to kill Trotsky - attached to the front) to that year's NOLS conference at Lancaster University.
Parliamentary hostility meant there was no question of any Act of Uniformity as in England.
A statement is seditious if it "brings into hatred or contempt" either the Queen or her heirs, the government and constitution, either House of Parliament, the administration of justice, if it incites people to attempt to change any matter of Church or State established by law (except by lawful means), or if it promotes discontent among or hostility between British subjects.
There had been ongoing hostility between him and Janet Andrewartha who played his wife Lyn; she had been the source of the vast majority of complaints about him.
In the mid-1940s, the club invented the notion of penyes, a mix between a fan club and a financial support club, during a time when the club was in need of financial and public support in face of the hostility of Francisco Franco's dictatorship.
Following the 22 June 2012 parliamentary coup that ousted President Fernando Lugo and made then Vice President, Federico Franco, the new President, the new government appears to be in the process of assuming complete control of the state-owned media and its hostility is affecting journalists with the privately owned media as well.
While science still described the chimpanzee as a peaceful vegetarian that roamed the forest without any need for social bonds - not unlike Rousseau's noble savages - Nishida had noticed that chimpanzees live a communal life with territorial boundaries and perhaps even hostility between neighbouring unit-groups.
To escape, it is said, from the hostility of those whom his shafts had wounded, he returned to Venice, and there, according to the register in the parochial church of Santa Maria Formosa, died of colic accompanied with fever on November 16, 1613.
Cuba ratified with a reservation that achieving a solution to the United States hostility to Cuba and the use of the Guantánamo Bay military base for U.S. nuclear weapons was a precondition to Cuba's continued adherence.
He received much hostility, from the president of the Royal Institute of British Architects and others, for not being a qualified architect, but was supported by the sculptors Sir William Goscombe John and Sir Hamo Thornycroft.
John M. Ellis, an author and famous scholar of German literature, called the book one of several critiques of the "intellectual deterioration" that has occurred within humanities courses in the United States, and he suggested that, like the others, it was met with "bitter hostility" from campus feminists.
During the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, the 1921 Jaffa riots and the 1929 Palestine riots, Palestinian Arabs manifested hostility against Jewish immigration and settlement, which provoked the reaction of Jewish militias, sometimes supported by British troops.